Three Flavors of Bougainvillea - Gardening and Hobby 63

Tuesday, December 17, 2024
 These photos from last Spring and Summer, the blooming seasons of Bougainvillea in our neighborhood areas.

Fig 01 - Yellow flowers, Bougainvillea

The Bougainvillea, originally from South America, has spread to many parts of the world. It is now commonly grown in tropical and subtropical areas. The flower is an adaptable plant that can be cultivated as:
- tree
- vine
- or shrub

These flowers may come in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, red, orange, yellow, and even white.

Fig 02 - The red Bougainvillea.

We saw so many of these beautiful bougainvillea in Caribbeans. They come from high up in the mountains and flow all the way down to the sides on ground. That was an awesome thing to see!

Fig 03 - Purple/Pink flowers at neighborhood.

Which colors of Bougainvillea do you like the most?

# Previous postings:

The Virginia Rail - Critter 87

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
With all the chaos going on in the world today, we thought we would share something a little brighter and wonderful.

Figure - A Virginia rail

Look at who came to visit us. We passed right by this little visitor as We went to put some things in the recycle bin to be picked up.

We never saw it when we went out. It was when we went to close the door, and our eyes had gazed to the corner. The little bird lows and beholds just sitting there being unbothered and bothering no one.

There it is sitting on top of the flower. As I searched the bottom of my phone on the pics for what kind of bird it is, it is said it’s a Virginia Rail.

Strangely, this bird should be found in the areas such as wet meadows and freshwater marshes. So, lucky to have this bird, a Virginia rail as our visitor.

Have you seen this bird in your areas?

# Previous postings:

China Pink in the Garden - Gardening and Hobby 62

Tuesday, December 3, 2024
In our neighborhood, China Pink blooms in warmer months (Spring to early summer months) or around April to early June.

Image - Blooming of China Pink

China Pink has scientific name, Dianthus chinensis, and has several common names including:
- Pinks
- Indian Pink
- Rainbow Pink
- Sweet William

For vibrant blooms, China Pinks are ensured to receive ample sunlight. Consistent watering and fertilization will further support healthy growth and an abundance of flowers.

Where do you find China Pink (Dianthus chinensis)?

# Previous postings:

The Young Redtail Hawk at Backyard - Critter 86

Friday, November 29, 2024
We saw a hawk in the pine trees at our neighborhood this morning. We believe it was a young Redtail hawk.

Fig - The Young Redtail Hawk.

Our neighbors' chickens heard it call and scrambled to get undercover, while the mockingbirds mobbed the hawk.

The young hawk flew off right after we took this picture. The chickens will probably hide for a while.

This bird is a familiar sight in our state, including our city, Baton Rouge. Young Red-tails can be identified by their brown plumage and the distinctive streaked pattern on their undersides.

Juvenile red-tailed hawks are meat-eaters (carnivores), mainly feasting on small birds and mammals.

Did you see Redtail Hawk around your areas?

# Previous postings:

The Colorful of African Violets - Gardening and Hobby 61

Tuesday, November 26, 2024
 The African violets, cherished for their vibrant, colorful blossoms and effortless upkeep, make for an ideal houseplant.

Fig 01 - African violets, beautiful 

What I like that African violets boast thick, velvety leaves beautifully arranged in a rosette at the plant's base.

The flowers display a spectrum of colors such as:
- pink
- purple
- blue
- red
- white

Fig 02 - Blooming in the room 

African Violets should bloom all year round, if they well care. But, during the winter months, blooming may slow down or cease if the plant doesn't get enough light.

Fig 03 - Pink color of African violets.

Do you recognize African Violets? What colors?

# Previous postings:

The Great Blue Heron in the Pond - Critter 85

Friday, November 22, 2024
If we are lucky enough, we may see the Great Blue Heron in the ponds or wetland areas in our state, Louisiana.

Fig 01 - The Great Blue Heron catching fish.

The majestic wading bird, the Great Blue Heron has some following distinction characters which are :
- the largest heron in North America
- blue gray plumage
- long legs
- bill like dagger and sharp

In addition to the ponds or wetlands, we could find the Great Blue Heron in several other habitats such as lakes, swamps, saltwater and freshwater marshes.

Fig 02 - A vase, illustration

The Great Blue Heron main food sources are wide range, include variety of fish species. We believe, the bird consumes small minnows in the pond.

Fig 03 - Bird walking on the shallow part of pond. 

Have you seen this giant bird in nature?

# Previous postings:

The Banana Tree Produces Fruit in Our State - Gardening and Hobby 60

Tuesday, November 19, 2024
As you might know, our state, Louisiana has warmer temperature, hence some tropical plants grow well. 

Fig 01 - The plant starts to produce fruit

After growing for about four (4) years in the backyard, this is the first time our banana tree made bananas!

Yet, we don't know the taste. One neighbor said his tree produces more delicious, sweeter and good quality bananas, even compared to commercial ones which are sold in the grocery stores around our neighborhood.

The bananas are usually smaller but extremely good. A genuine treat.

Just make sure to break the flower off once they stop making fruit. Otherwise, they won't ripen. They will spend all their energy on the flower.

Fig 02 - Flowers of banana tree. 

# Important postings:

Fig 03 - Flowers, just growing. 

Banana varieties that well known in our areas:
- Dwarf Cavendish banana
- Gran Nain banana
- Brazilian dwarf banana

Fig 04 - Fruit development

Do you familiar with banana tress?

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