Showing posts with label Critters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Critters. Show all posts

The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80

Monday, October 14, 2024
There is a family of geese lives permanently around our neighborhood retention pond. Others come and go.

Fig 01- Wild Geese.

Unfortunately, these geese will only do "their business" on the sidewalk close to the retention pond.

It requires an excellent hop- scotched to not come home with "something extra" (goose poop) on your shoes.

Sort of an analogy for life troubles - sometimes you hop over it, sometimes steps smack into it!

There might be a natural product that could be sprayed on the walkway monthly which would deter them from using it.

Fig 02 - Goose poop on the walking path. 

We saw Goose Stopper, liquid repellent sold in Home Depot with reasonable price, but we don't know the effective of liquid for keeping geese off the walking path.

Fig 03 - Goose Stopper, liquid repellent 

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

A Female Wren Visited Our Yards - Critter 79

Friday, September 27, 2024
We saw a young female wren visited our backyard last season. A delightful little bird. Look like a lively and energetic bird.  

Fig 01 - A female wren was seen at backyard

Three possibilities a female wren might visit our backyard:
1) Searching for foods:
- she attracts to insect as one of her main sources of food

2) Water
- we have a bird bath, so wrens or other birds visit for drinking and bathing regularly, especially during hot Summer. 

3) Nesting
- Backyards is one of suitable locations to build nesting site.  

Fig 02 - She is sitting on the twig. 

Two common species visit our city:
- Bewick Wren 
- Carolina Wren

Fig 03 - Lonely female wren

Have you seen Wren in your areas?

# Previous postings

The Great Egret around Neighborhood - Critter 78

Saturday, September 14, 2024
 Our state, Louisiana has several species of egrets, one of them is Great Egret with scientific name Ardea alba.

Fig 01- A Great Egret, walking around.

The egret is a common wading bird found in our state, especially near bodies of water, just seen again around neighborhood.

The birds are distinguished by their pristine white plumage. Great Egret features a long, S-shaped neck, a trait typical of herons and egrets.

The great egrets are characterized by their long, yellow bills. These birds are relatively large as depicted by the images.

Fig 02 - The long neck bird.

Where do you see this kind of bird?

# Previous postings:

The Whistling Ducks in the Water - Critter 77

Friday, August 23, 2024

 We talked about this critter previously: The Black-bellied Whistling Duck on the Roof - Critter 64 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Fig 01 - Ducs and ducklings in the pool

Some people said that they are odd ducks. They stand on one foot like a flamingo, will roost in trees and stand on rooftops.

The little ducklings have black feet and bills, which then turn that pink/orange color as they mature.

Actually, we see them in the nearby lakes such as in the area called as "Green Trails" all the time. Last year we watched two broods grow up and fly away.

However, Whistling Ducks are quite comfortable in urban environments. There’s a family that enjoys our neighborhood’s pool.

Fig 02 - Ducks swimming in the river

Have you seen this critter? Where?

# Previous postings:

A Male House Finch - Critter 76

Friday, July 26, 2024
 We talked about a House Finch at previous post. The bird is one of common birds in North America. 

Fig 01- A male house finch 

You may read the previousposted: 

We believe, the bird is a male House Finch with typical characteristics that has reddish coloration on his:
- head
- breast
- and rump

Fig 02 - Coloration of breast

The house finches often seen in backyard, especially at our bird feeders. They love seed and fruits.

Fig 03 - The bird turns his head

Do you familiar with this bird?

# Previous postings:

Caroline Wren Babies in the Mailbox - Critter 75

Saturday, June 15, 2024
Surprisingly, we saw the bird made a nest in our mailbox. We have been watching the progress from eggs to these sweet babies for the last few weeks.

Fig - The babies' bird in the mailbox

The bird's mom won’t stay still for a good picture. We personally think it's a very heartwarming image.

After searching through Google, it is highly probably that the bird's species are Carolina wrens. It is because the birds are notorious for making nests in inconvenient places such as above doors or mailboxes.

Caroline wren nests are built from a combination of:
- leaves
- moss
- twigs
- and other debris.

The inside of the nest is then lined with soft materials, some of them are feathers and fur.

Have you enjoyed with this kind of experience?

# Previous postings:

Flying and Hitting the House - Critter 74

Saturday, May 11, 2024
It was reported in the weather channel that the birds all quit singing, and it got very quiet outdoors before one of the destructive tornados touched down close by our areas.

Fig 01 - A hummingbird after fall down.

Before rain and very strong wind, we just sitting outside in the morning, we hear a thump on our roof!

Then we saw something hit the grass. Here is what we found, a little hummingbird. We believed it must have been one of its first solo flights.

Being at the right place at the right time, we picked and handled the hummingbird. It didn’t make any noise.

We put it in this container, and then put under a plant. Luckily, after about 45 minutes later it flew off! Hopefully, it will survive in the nature.

Fig 02 - A hummingbird, put on the grass.

When can you expect the humming season in your areas?

# Previous postings:

Whistling Ducks Gracing our Areas - Critter 73

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
We posted the whistling duck on the roof. You may read the previous post:
The Black-bellied Whistling Duck on the Roof - Critter 64 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Fig 01 - A whistling duck on the tree.

It seems that breeding seasons of ducks are begin in our areas this time, around in the middle of Spring. 

We have a pair of whistling ducks that just found our yard's tress. We saw them in the early morning.

We have never ever seen a duck sitting and playing on the trees as well as on the roof. We were excited and happy.

They are beautiful, just hope they will not be too messy, and hope they don’t decide to go for other places for a while.

Fig 02 - A pair of whistling ducks

A joy to look forward to every day, so every morning during breakfast and every evening for supper. Get ready for two dozen ducklings soon.

Fig 03 - They look happy around branches of trees. 

Have you seen Whistling ducks gracing your areas?

The Mother Dove and her Two Chicks in the Nest - Critter 72

Tuesday, April 23, 2024
We saw this pretty Spring picture of a Mother Dove and her two chicks in a nest in our ligustrum recently.

Fig - A dove with her two chicks. 

In a snug nest, nestled among the tree’s branches, Mother Dove tends to her two chicks, keeping them warm and secure. Feathers colors blend perfectly with the surrounding twigs, camouflaging the nest from predators.

The mother dove tenderly brings forth a creamy substance known as crop milk; a nourishing sustenance synthesized in her throat exclusively for her offspring.

The young chicks, only a few days old, remain mostly bare, their downy fuzz providing minimal coverage. They devour their food with enthusiasm, their tiny frames gaining strength after each meal.

Have you seen any birds with nests and chicks in your areas?

# Previous postings:


Blue Heron Hanging around on the Roof - Critter 71

Tuesday, April 2, 2024
At the previous post, we know the Blue Heron lives the waterside:

Fig 01 - Blue Heron seen on the roof.

Recently we saw the Blue Heron was seen on the roof. Then, we wonder: why would a Blue Heron be on the roof?

The birds aren't restricted to the waterside for finding food. They often venture onto land to chase after prey. As you might know, their prey are:
- insects
- frogs
- small rodents
- and even reptiles.

Fig 02 - A snake, just illustration.

# Important postings:

Fig 03 - Blooming at neighborhood

Since Blue Herons are "crafty predators," hence their skill could work on the lands (grasslands and open fields). 

It i not surprise if we see Blue Herons far away from water. It is possible to see them in the yards or on the roof.

Fig 04 - A heron, enjoy on the roof.

Have you seen a Blue Heron in the yard or on the roof?

# Previous postings:


The American Woodcock in Neighborhood - Critter 70

Friday, March 8, 2024
We never seen this bird before, this was just a grab shot with an iPhone. We have no idea what the bird schedule is, but it didn’t seem rushed.

Image - The American Woodcock.

Since it just "easy going," the bird gave me enough time to remember I had my phone in my pocket. Then, I got one shot.

The GoogleID identified the bird as the American Woodcock with scientific name Scolopax minor. The bird is a migratory bird to stay in Southern states during Fall and Winter seasons, and to migrate to Canada in the Spring and Summer times. 

It was lucky to see this bird during daytime, because it active at dawn and dusk times. The times when the American Woodcocks to do mating and searching foods in their habitats, mostly in the woodland areas.

Have you seen the American Woodcocks in nature?

# Previous postings:

A White Dove without a Band on its Ankle - Critter 69

Friday, March 1, 2024
 We saw doves in the city garden or our neighborhood during Spring seasons sometimes, but very rare to see white doves. 

Fig 01 - A white dove on the fence.

As far as we know, there are two familiar species of wild doves, they are not completely white in our areas:
1) White-wing doves
- the doves have brown body, but their wings have white patches. We may see these dove in the city parks.

2) Eurasian collared dove
- These doves are a quite common in our areas. They are found in many places include yards and feeders The doves have more white patches. 

Fig 02 - A white dove on the lawn.

# Important postings:

Fig 03 - A parking lot, just illustration.

If we see white doves in a neighborhood, it is usually domesticated doves. They are bred for their color (white color). 

Fig 04 - One of corners in our city.

Domesticated doves are own either by pet owners or companies. There are companies to provide service for white doves' in our area.  

Fig 05 - Morning glory flowers, illustration.

Domesticated white doves are released for special events such as student graduations, weddings and funerals. 

Fig 06 - Tall buildings at a bay, illustration.

In our case (Fig 01 and Fig 07), appears to be a white dove do not see a band on its ankle if it has a band, it’s probably belonging to someone’s aviary otherwise it could be wild.

Fig 07 - A white dove in our area. 

Have you seen white doves in nature?

## Previous postings:

A Hummingbird in the Flight - Critter 68

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
 We have 3 migration seasons of Hummingbirds in our areas, they are Spring, Fall and Winter migrations.

Fig 01 - Hummingbird flight close by wall.

If we have observed the Hummingbirds in Baton Rouge, Louisiana between middle of November to early March, then these Hummingbirds are considered as Winter migration of Hummingbirds.

There are several locations which well known for winter migration of this tiny birds. Some of them are:
- Baton Rouge
- Lafayette
- New Orleans

Fig 02 - A Hummingbird on the feeder.

# Important postings:

Fig 03 - A rural area, illustration

We recognize at least 5 (five) species of Hummingbirds as winter "special" visitors in our city, Baton Rouge, LA.

Fig 04 - A corner of the city, LA

The winter Hummingbirds in our areas are:
- Black-chinned Hummingbirds
- Broad-tailed Hummingbirds
- Calliope Hummingbirds.
- Buff-bellied Hummingbirds.
- Rufous Hummingbirds.

Fig 05 - Immature male Rufous.

We love to observe Rufous Hummingbirds since these tiny birds most frequently seen in this season.

Fig 06 - A hummingbird is flying.

What species of Hummingbirds in your areas?

## Previous postings: