We saw doves in the city garden or our neighborhood during Spring seasons sometimes, but very rare to see white doves.
Fig 01 - A white dove on the fence.
As far as we know, there are two familiar species of wild doves, they are not completely white in our areas:
1) White-wing doves
- the doves have brown body, but their wings have white patches. We may see these dove in the city parks.
2) Eurasian collared dove
- These doves are a quite common in our areas. They are found in many places include yards and feeders The doves have more white patches.
Fig 02 - A white dove on the lawn.
# Important postings:
Fig 03 - A parking lot, just illustration.
If we see white doves in a neighborhood, it is usually domesticated doves. They are bred for their color (white color).
Fig 04 - One of corners in our city.
Domesticated doves are own either by pet owners or companies. There are companies to provide service for white doves' in our area.
Fig 05 - Morning glory flowers, illustration.
Domesticated white doves are released for special events such as student graduations, weddings and funerals.
Fig 06 - Tall buildings at a bay, illustration.
In our case (Fig 01 and Fig 07), appears to be a white dove do not see a band on its ankle if it has a band, it’s probably belonging to someone’s aviary otherwise it could be wild.
Fig 07 - A white dove in our area.
Have you seen white doves in nature?
## Previous postings: