Painting Stylistic of Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo (Part-1)

Thursday, January 31, 2019

We may hear the word of “revolution” or dramatic changes in every aspect of life: social, political, cultural, science and technology, and even work of arts. Uniquely, artists, in many cases, respond to their environment conditions to change their own works. New style born to correct old one or to anticipate unseen future change of mankind behaviors.

Figure. One of most famous painting by Raphael created in 1511 

In history, there were important periods of stylistic, namely Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo. Cranmer (2015) described the different of these periods with manners. Renaissance was seen as individualism, naturalism and detail of work of art. Then, Baroque has characters of exaggerated motion, clear, and ornate details. The period of Rococo was characterized by more light, florid, and graceful compare to Baroque and Renaissance.

Scientific knowledge is one of important factors to create style or art work that distinguish one period to other periods. It is noted that inventions and discoveries by scientists have supported the artists’ eagerness to capture the changing colors of light and shadow in their work of arts. Thus, new version of art may be born. 

Another Raphael painting, Pope Julius II

Renaissance art emerged in Italy around 14th century. Actually, Renaissance art occurred in two antagonist situations; one side there were backdrop in political stabilities; but on other side, there were the development of new technologies. Thus, Renaissance art parallel to flowering with the printing press; understanding of a new system of astronomy; the discovery and exploration of new continents; and philosophy, music and literature progress.

The stars of Renaissance artists are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. Of these three, Raphael was known as great masters in depicting realistic of life. Anirudh (2014) recorded 10 most famous paintings by Raphael. At the top was titled “The School of Athens” (Please see Figure at above).

Anirudh. 2014. 10 Most Famous Paintings by Raphael. Retrieved from
Cranmer, I. 2015. Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, and Neoclassical. Retrieved from 


  1. Yg aku "sdkt"tauk sih pas paragraf yg ke 5 aja Sih.wah tampilan baru yah?

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Painting Stylistic of Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo (Part-1)
      Figure. One of most famous painting by Raphael created in 1511 (Source: Anirudh, 2014).

  2. Abad Pembaharuan, atau oleh guru sejarah menyebutnya Renaisans. Periode perubahan paradigm lama kepada paradigm baru di Eropa pada abad ke 14 (kalau tidak salah).

    Situasi tersebut, menurut saya (berdasarkan literasi terbatas yang saya baca) menimbulkan kemunduran perkembangan teknologi dan peradapan di Asia (Khususnya di Arab); di bawah pimpinan Umayyah Kórdoba. Semantara saat yang sama di Arab pada masa itu merupakan masa kejayaan Islam. Ilmu pengetahuan berkembang, demikian halnya dengan teknologi.

    Jadi saya ingin katakan, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sudah berkembang lebih dulu di Asia (Kerajaan Arab) daripada Eropa. Namun pembaharuan di Eropa pada abad ke 14 menurut saya menjadi titik kemunduran peradapan dan ilmu pengetaguan serta teknologi di Asia.

    Apa benar demikian?

    Jika benar, kira – kira apa yang dilakukan bangsa Eropa pada masa itu sehingga mereka lebih maju sampai saat ini…?

    Salam Blogger

    1. 1) Kalau mau ditarik mundur:
      - Mesir Berjaya 6 ribu tahun sebelum nabi Isa lahir, sekitar 8 ribu taun sebelum Renaissance period

      Painting Stylistic of Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo (Part-1)
      The stars of Renaissance artists are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. Of these three, Raphael was known as great masters in depicting realistic of life. Anirudh (2014) recorded 10 most famous paintings by Raphael. At the top was titled “The School of Athens” (Please see Figure at above).

    2. Painting Stylistic of Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo (Part-1)
      Figure. One of most famous painting by Raphael created in 1511
