A Blue Heron with Plastic Cup Stuck on Beak - Critter 90

Friday, January 24, 2025
We saw a Blue Heron with bottle or cup stuck on its beak at the Green Trails Lake, one of lakes in our city.

Fig 01 - A heron with plastic cap

Another day, we drove by the lake multiple times, then just a few hours ago in recently. We did not see the bird.

We have no idea what other lakes it might go to, though we have checked at least at five other lakes in around our city areas.

We have spoken to several people and institutions. Wildlife and fisheries will not help, they say let nature take its course or contact a wildlife rehabilitation group or person.

The same with LSU (University), rehab people told us that if we bring to them, they will take it, but they will not come help with anything.

Fig 02 - A confuse heron.

# Some Previous postings:

Fig 03 - The bird walks around

We hope maybe someone else saw it and was able to help

Fig 04 - Still with a plastic cup

Do you have any suggestions?

# Previous postings:


  1. ...heron are happy campers over a wide range of landscapes!

  2. What a nice shots, thanks for your sharing

  3. This is sad for the pretty heron. I wish people would consider the wildlife when they just throw trash down everywhere. I do hope it was able to get the bottle off...

  4. Oh humans are dreadful at rubbish and not taking care of nature ~ do hope it was able to get the cup off ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Exlores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Let nature take its course. I don't know, but I doubt nature had anything to do with that cup.

  6. Really interesting post
    Thanks for sharing
    Have a nice day!!

  7. That is so sad! People love to throw their garbage out and ruin places and it becomes dangerous for the animals who then suffer like the heron. We have laws about littering but they are not enforced. And on the flip side I don't understand why these organizations won't help. It is their job!!

  8. That is so sad. People should be considerate of the wildlife when they are discarding their trash.

  9. That is so sad that poor heron has to suffer because people litter which is against the law. And I think it is unthinkable that these agencies would not send someone to capture the heron and fix the problem. I would hope if reported to authorities something would be done!

  10. Oh that is awful. I hope someone was able to help it. "Let nature take its course" the is ridiculous advice they gave you. A plastic cup is NOT part of nature. Littering is infuriating for so many reasons.

    Allie of

    1. unfortunately...

      Thank you-
      A Blue Heron with Plastic Cup Stuck on Beak - Critter 90
      We saw a Blue Heron with bottle or cup stuck on its beak at the Green Trails Lake, one of lakes in our city.

  11. Poor heron.
    People are irresponsible and throw everything out into the wild.

    1. Thank you-
      A Blue Heron with Plastic Cup Stuck on Beak - Critter 90

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      A Blue Heron with Plastic Cup Stuck on Beak - Critter 90
