Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49

Friday, August 18, 2023
We saw the useful sign for pet owners at our neighborhood a couple days ago. This sign as a kind of guidance to check air temperature before let the pets play outside or walk on the asphalt.

Fig 01- A sign of relationship between hot of temperature and asphalt

As you see at above sign (Fig 01), there is relationship between air temperature and asphalt temperature.

Just 3 examples (please above sign):
- if air temperature is 77* F (25* C), then asphalt temperature is 125* F (51.5* C).
- if air temperature is 86* F (30* C), then asphalt temperature is 135* F (57.2* C).
- if air temperature is 87* F (30.1* C), then asphalt temperature is 143* F (61.7 C).

Yes, pets (cats and dogs) have paw pads with thick and though skin. However, if pets walk on the hot asphalt too long, their paws can still be burned.

Fig 02- A cat, just for illustration

Some symptoms of paw burning are swelling, redness, pain and limping. Then we may see the pets licking or chewing their paws. 

So, we need to avoid walking our pet on very hot asphalt or hard surfaces, and even we should not let our pets play outside during hot weather.

Fig 03- A dog walking on the asphalt

What do you think?

# Previous postings:


  1. Unfortunately, there is a temperature where you can make an omelette on the asphalt this season.

  2. Too hot for the car Tyres to run on.

    1. true......

      Thank you-
      Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49
      We saw the useful sign for pet owners at our neighborhood a couple days ago. This sign as a kind of guidance to check air temperature before let the pets play outside or walk on the asphalt.

  3. has been hot here, but fortunately no that hot!

    1. glad to hear.....

      Thank you-
      Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49

  4. The heat is on here. I wouldn't take a chance for a dog walk in mid afternoon here. But at the moment it's 73 and I see dog owner out early with their pets.

  5. You definitely want to keep your pet in mind on these hot days, for sure. Thanks!

    1. yes, we must...

      Thank you-
      Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49
      We saw the useful sign for pet owners at our neighborhood a couple days ago. This sign as a kind of guidance to check air temperature before let the pets play outside or walk on the asphalt.

  6. Great post, Tanza! Unfortunately, some people don't understand the danger related to asphalt temperature.

    1. they just ignore....

      Thank you-
      Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49
      We saw the useful sign for pet owners at our neighborhood a couple days ago. This sign as a kind of guidance to check air temperature before let the pets play outside or walk on the asphalt.

  7. Is really important to protect the pets from the hot street floor. And walk in the street only in the best moments of temperature.

    1. Indeed...

      Thank you-
      Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49
      We saw the useful sign for pet owners at our neighborhood a couple days ago. This sign as a kind of guidance to check air temperature before let the pets play outside or walk on the asphalt.

  8. This is always good to keep in mind!

    1. Thank you-
      Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49

  9. Too heat for pet, please, don't them overheat.

    1. people should know about asphalt heat.....

      Thank you-
      Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49
      We saw the useful sign for pet owners at our neighborhood a couple days ago. This sign as a kind of guidance to check air temperature before let the pets play outside or walk on the asphalt.

  10. Not only pets but kids as well. I remember as a kid I fell off my bike on a hot day and I got a nasty burn on top of my skinned up knee! Ouch!!

    1. Indeed....

      Thank you-
      Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49

  11. Hello,
    Great advice, the cement can get very hot for our pets to walk on. Love the kitty and doggie photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  12. It's a good reminder to protect our furry friends from burns.

  13. That's so good to know. I hike on some paved trails and they are always so much nicer after a rain shower has passed through. Thanks for sharing this!

  14. Very useful! Even here in Norway the asphalt gets too hot for our pets in sunny summer days. Some dog-owners are not aware of it - or they don't care :(

    1. the same case here in America......

      Thank you-
      Check Temperature Before Allowing Pets Walk Outside - Sign 49
