Some Flowers on the Corner - Gardening and Hobby 39

Saturday, August 12, 2023
The Fuchsia is one of my favorite flowers. Because of its beauty and easy to take care, this flower to be popular choice for small gardens or be placed on the corner.

Fig 01- A beautiful Fuchsia on the corner

There are about 100 species with 12,000 varieties of Fuchsia in the world. They mainly come from or native to Latin America.

Fuchsia could be basic colors, bicolored and tricolored. The basic colors are purple, pink, red, white, blue, orange and yellow.

Just for examples of Fuchsia with bicolor and tricolors are Butterfly Kisses, Candy Cane, Lady Thumbelina, Pink Delight and Blue Angel.

In our state, Louisiana, we have some popular Fuchsia such as Fuchsia hybrida, Fuchsia riccartonii and Fuchsia magellanica.

Fig 02- A Common daisy, illustration

We love to have Fuchsia hybrida because it has plenty of colors include red, white, yellow, purple and pink.

Fig 03- Tagetes erecta, illustration only

Interestingly. Fuchsia flowers have long blooming time. In our city, Baton Rouge, the blooming season could be 5 to 6 months, from Spring to Fall.

Fig 04- Lantana flowers, illustration only

 Do you recognize Fuchsia flowers?

# Previous postings:


  1. ...I have several fuchsias in our garden, the hummingbirds visit them.

  2. Lovely! I am not good with flowers, I'm afraid.

  3. I can see why the hummingbirds would visit these. Lovely!

    1. hummingbirds love it....

      Thank you-
      Some Flowers on the Corner - Gardening and Hobby 39
      The Fuchsia is one of my favorite flowers. Because of its beauty and easy to take care, this flower to be popular choice for small gardens or be placed on the corner.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Some Flowers on the Corner - Gardening and Hobby 39
      The Fuchsia is one of my favorite flowers. Because of its beauty and easy to take care, this flower to be popular choice for small gardens or be placed on the corner.

  5. Beautiful flowers! Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. I didn't know there were so many fuchsias. Beautiful flower!

    1. pretty much in term of species.....

      Thank you-
      Some Flowers on the Corner - Gardening and Hobby 39

  7. I love these flowers especially since they come in so many colors. They are also good in attracting humming birds!

    1. glad you love these flowers ....

      Thank you-
      Some Flowers on the Corner - Gardening and Hobby 39

  8. Lantana flowers spread everywhere so quickly. That's why I don't like them.
    Interesting info about fuchsia.

    1. Indeed....

      Thank you-
      Some Flowers on the Corner - Gardening and Hobby 39
