The Blue Jay in the City Park - Critter 65

Saturday, January 20, 2024
We may spot the Blue Jay year-round in our areas, sure, they are abundant during Spring and Summer seasons.

Fig 01 - A Blue Jay on the top of tree.

We have posted the Blue Jay babies previously:

The birds, actually, common birds, since we may spot them everywhere in our areas or city such as:
- city parks and gardens
- our neighborhood or backyards.
- woodland and swamp areas.
- and even in the open areas.

Fig 02 - A bridge, just for illustration.

Surprisingly, there is one species only of Blue Jay in our city, Baton Rouge LA with scientific name is Cyanocitta cristata. 

Fig 03 - A Blue Jay as visitor at backyard. 

# Important postings:

Fig 04 - Plants, just for illustration. 

Seeds could attract the Blue Jay to come to birdfeeder, since the seeds are its primary food source. 

Fig 05 - Peanuts, illustration only

The birds love to consume wide variety of seeds, some of them are sunflowers seed, peanut (shelled and unshelled) and pecans.

Fig 06 - A nest of bird, illustration only.

in addition to seeds, the birds also eat fruit and insects. Some reports say, Blue Jay even consume small vertebrates. 

Fig 07 - A lonely Blue Jay.

Do you recognize Blue Jay in the nature?

## Previous postings:


  1. ...such a beautiful resident.

  2. What a amazing bird, thanks for your sharing

    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay in the City Park - Critter 65
      We may spot the Blue Jay year-round in our areas, sure, they are abundant during Spring and Summer seasons.

  3. Blue Jays are indeed beautiful birds.....We have quite a few in our yard, beautiful as they are, the ones in our yard can be quite aggressive. They keep all the other birds away from the feeders. Little Rascals!

  4. Good to know what can bring in these birds. Although, I think the squirrels would have eaten it already.

  5. Nice to read about. I have not seen one for quite a while.

    1. seem they are migrating during cold season...

      Thank you-
      The Blue Jay in the City Park - Critter 65

  6. Pistachios are expensive to buy in Australia. You feed that to blue jay?

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay in the City Park - Critter 65
      We may spot the Blue Jay year-round in our areas, sure, they are abundant during Spring and Summer seasons.

  8. We have a lot of these birds in the area. They look so pretty but they can destroy other nests and baby birds. We always see a flock of birds chasing one away from their nests.

    1. yes, they are common birds....

      Thank you-
      The Blue Jay in the City Park - Critter 65
      We may spot the Blue Jay year-round in our areas, sure, they are abundant during Spring and Summer seasons.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay in the City Park - Critter 65

  10. I love the photos of your backyard visitors!

  11. Hello,
    Great post on the Bluebirds, they are one of my favorites. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay in the City Park - Critter 65
      We may spot the Blue Jay year-round in our areas, sure, they are abundant during Spring and Summer seasons.

  12. Bluebirds are a favorite here in Florida. We see them quite often and love the different color variations as they grow. Beautiful photos!

    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay in the City Park - Critter 65
      We may spot the Blue Jay year-round in our areas, sure, they are abundant during Spring and Summer seasons.

  13. Never seen, but wow, what nice.

    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay in the City Park - Critter 65
