Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019
A mummified bird from ancient Egyptian
(credit to pinterest)

The bird was part of worship to a god, namely Thoth. After sacrificing to God Thoth, ancient Egyptian mummified the birds and buried them in the ancient catacombs or burial grounds.

God Thoth is a god represented by human body with Ibis bird head. Thoth was god of:
- magic
- justice
- wisdom
- the moon
- writing
- mathematics and measurement
- knowledge

Interestingly, Ibis was believed as god symbols of:
- power
- identity
- attributes

Modern African sacred ibis
(credit to Science Source)

What wonder me was the number of mummified birds: millions. However, the number was collected for about 600 years, from 665 BC to 250 AD.

Million mummified are found in two areas, they are:
- 4 millions from catacombs of Tuna el Gebel
- 1.75 millions from burial of Saqqara.

Million birds were mostly collected from wild species, and small number was from reared (farmed) population.

Based on DNA study, scientists proved recently that wild birds were the most source of mummified sacred Ibis. This finding has answered the long time question: where the bird come from.

Moreover, ancient mummified birds relate to modern species, African sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus). The birds are indigenous of Middle East and Africa.

Unfortunately, the birds had been extincted in Egypt, the last observed of bird was in 1891. The extinction was mainly due to habitat destruction and human hunting.

Luckily, African sacred Ibis is found elsewhere in Africa, and quite abundance in the sub Saharan and South Africa.


  1. So interesting... I wasn't at all familiar with these type of birds.

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      A mummified bird from ancient Egyptian
      (credit to pinterest)

  2. You really put a lot of thought and work into this post, it’s amazing! Thank you for sharing this interesting information. Love the photos, they're beautiful.

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      The bird was part of worship to a god, namely Thoth. After sacrificing to God Thoth, ancient Egyptian mummified the birds and buried them in the ancient catacombs or burial grounds.

  3. I thought David Blaine was the god of magic.

    1. I think so...

      Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      God Thoth is a god represented by human body with Ibis bird head. Thoth was god of:
      - magic
      - justice
      - wisdom
      - the moon
      - writing
      - mathematics and measurement
      - knowledge

    2. Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?

  4. Penting ut sains, karena dari mummi kita belajar masa lalu

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Interestingly, Ibis was believed as god symbols of:
      - power
      - identity
      - attributes

  5. Wow, I haven't seen those before, but I heard about it, interesting!

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Modern African sacred ibis
      (credit to Science Source)

  6. Thank you, don't know that before.
    Have a nice thursday.

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      What wonder me was the number of mummified birds: millions. However, the number was collected for about 600 years, from 665 BC to 250 AD.

  7. Interesting. Sounds like the Egyptians were worse for the bird population than the hat industry of the 19th and early 20th centuries who used feathers to decorate hats...


    1. I think so....

      Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Million mummified are found in two areas, they are:

      - 4 millions from catacombs of Tuna el Gebel

      - 1.75 millions from burial of Saqqara.

  8. Enjoyed the travel back in time. Thank you, Tanza:)

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Million birds were mostly collected from wild species, and small number was from reared (farmed) population.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Based on DNA study, scientists proved recently that wild birds were the most source of mummified sacred Ibis. This finding has answered the long time question: where the bird come from.

  10. I didn't know the Egyptians treated the birds that way ...
    thank you for sharing ☺

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Moreover, ancient mummified birds relate to modern species, African sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus). The birds are indigenous of Middle East and Africa.

  11. The traditions and beliefs of ancient Egypt are so fascinating. It is amazing how so much of their culture has been preserved for us to learn from.

    1. yes, indeed...

      Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Unfortunately, the birds had been extincted in Egypt, the last observed of bird was in 1891. The extinction was mainly due to habitat destruction and human hunting.

  12. Very interesting post. I always learn something from your blog. Thanks!

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Luckily, African sacred Ibis is found elsewhere in Africa, and quite abundance in the sub Saharan and South Africa.

  13. What a beautiful bird! I've only seen scarlet ibises before, also lovely.

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      A mummified bird from ancient Egyptian
      (credit to pinterest)

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      The bird was part of worship to a god, namely Thoth. After sacrificing to God Thoth, ancient Egyptian mummified the birds and buried them in the ancient catacombs or burial grounds.

    2. Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?

  15. I have read about this, it's very interesting.

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      God Thoth is a god represented by human body with Ibis bird head. Thoth was god of:
      - magic
      - justice
      - wisdom
      - the moon
      - writing
      - mathematics and measurement
      - knowledge

  16. like always full pack of great information. I love birds :-)

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Interestingly, Ibis was believed as god symbols of:
      - power
      - identity
      - attributes

  17. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
      Modern African sacred ibis
      (credit to Science Source)

    2. Why Ancient Egyptian Mummified Million Birds?
