A Colorful Love Bird - Critter 54

Friday, October 6, 2023
 As you might know love bird is one of the popular pets around the world. The bird is native to the Africa.

Fig 01- The colorful of love bird.

We spotted the bird around our area recently. It flew away as we approached it. We believe the bird belongs to someone as a pet.

Love bird is a small parrot with length size between 5 to 7 inches (13 to 18 cm). There are nine species of lovebirds, and four is popular pet.

The most popular is the peach-faced lovebird with scientific name, Agapornis roseicollis.

Other three are: Black-masked lovebird (Agapornis personatus), Yellow-collared lovebird (Agapornis personatus) and Fischer's lovebird (Agapornis fischeri).

Fig 02- Beautiful flowers, blooming.

Some people like love birds because of their bright colors, playful, active and "relatively easy to care for."

Their diet includes nuts and seeds, and we can add with some fresh vegetables or fruits.

fig 03- A cute cat on the street, just illustration

Do you know about love birds?

# Previous postings:


  1. They are also very popular in our country.

  2. What a cute bird, thanks for your sharing...

  3. ...a cute little critters that is new for me.

    1. Thank you-
      A Colorful Love Bird - Critter 54
      As you might know love bird is one of the popular pets around the world. The bird is native to the Africa.

  4. My husband loves this kind of bird..while I adore this cat you took a photo of!

  5. Sweet moments! I hope they found their bird! Such a beautiful cat too!

  6. A beautiful little bird, very nice!

  7. What a cutie! Love the cat one also :):)

  8. Replies
    1. adorable....

      Thank you-
      A Colorful Love Bird - Critter 54
      As you might know love bird is one of the popular pets around the world. The bird is native to the Africa.

  9. Love it.

    1. Thank you-
      A Colorful Love Bird - Critter 54
      As you might know love bird is one of the popular pets around the world. The bird is native to the Africa.

  10. Such beautiful colors. I think we have them in our country too.

  11. Wooo nice colors, I love this post
    Thanks for sharing
    Kisses ♥

  12. Hace un tiempo tenía una pareja pero se murio la hembra y al poco la siguió el macho.

    Un abrazo.

  13. The Love bird is so pretty, I hope it stay safe. Cute kitty and the flowers are lovely.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  14. How great to have Love Birds native and not just as pets. A different story here.

  15. I'm not a fan of having pet birds; I prefer them in the wild. I liked the flowers and the cute cat.

  16. I don't know much about these birds but they sure are beautiful!
