The Blue Jay Babies in the Nature - Critter 59

Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Last summer, we saw "something" over the tree at our backyard. When we approach, there was a nest. A bird nest. 

Fig 01- The little bird in the nest

In the early morning, mama bird was flying around squawking like crazy. We wish it had been brighter outside so I could have gotten a good look at her. We still do not know what kind of bird she is.

We stayed outside, sitting on the ground about 30 feet (9.1 m) away from the tree, for about an hour, then came back inside.

Another morning we tried again to take a look at the nest, but it was upsetting mama bird so much we just backed away. We couldn't even get close enough to pull the SD card from our Stealth Cam.

Fig 02- The weak little bird in the nest.

We had to leave for a while, then we'll be checking the nest as soon as possible. Also, we hope mama bird will allow us to get to our Stealth Cam.

Fig 03- Trees at our neighborhood

We don't mind being dive bombed but We don't want to stress mama bird out any more than she already is.

Fig 04- The trees, just illustration

We saw mama bird, we believe that it is a blue jay, since it has the body shape as we know with the longish tail feathers.

Fig 05 - Hiding nest on the tree.

This is the best description we could get with her moving around so quickly and dive bombing my head.

Fig 06- Several babies bird on the tree.

Have you seen this kind of babies' bird in the nature?

# Previous postings:


  1. Que pajaritos tan bonitos, dan mucha ternura. Besos

  2. I used to have the bird nests in my old house where they keep several generations in.

  3. ...I see adults, but never the young!

    1. by chance....

      Thank you-
      The Blue Jay Babies in the Nature - Critter 59
      Last summer, we saw "something" over the tree at our backyard. When we approach, there was a nest. A bird nest.

  4. So interesting. Oh, we had a next in a very small tree close to the door and man those Mommas let you know, Stay away when babies are hatching.

  5. Cool that you can watch the nest like this. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

    1. Happy thanksgiving too...

      Thank you-
      The Blue Jay Babies in the Nature - Critter 59

  6. Thanks for your sharing have a lovely week

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay Babies in the Nature - Critter 59
      Last summer, we saw "something" over the tree at our backyard. When we approach, there was a nest. A bird nest.

  8. Great pictures! The babies look like bluejays. We have several bird houses set up and the birds/or babies come back every year. We actually were lucky to see a hummingbird's nest with tiny eggs in it one year in a tree branch. Best wishes to your for a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. I think is blue jay...

      Thank you-
      The Blue Jay Babies in the Nature - Critter 59

  9. Oh incredible post!
    Thanks for sharing ♥

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay Babies in the Nature - Critter 59
      Last summer, we saw "something" over the tree at our backyard. When we approach, there was a nest. A bird nest.

  11. Beautiful capture.
    We had a sunbird nest just outside our window. Saw the fledgling for a few days,

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay Babies in the Nature - Critter 59

  13. Hello,
    Cool, I have never seen the Blue Jay nest and babies. They seem to grow fast.
    Great sighting and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  14. I look up into the trees but I rarely see a nest. These are such good photos of this precious sight!

    1. Thank you-
      The Blue Jay Babies in the Nature - Critter 59

  15. You did get some amazing photos of the babies. Baby birds are extremely delicate and injure easily, so it is always best to mind the mama bird :)
