Showing posts with label Critters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Critters. Show all posts

A Northern Cardinal Visits the Bird Feeder - Critter 56

Friday, October 27, 2023
One of interesting things of Northern Cardinal for me is its "black face mask." The birds are popular in our areas, often seeing to come around our yards.

Fig 01- A Cardinal looks enjoy on a bird feeder.

Based on identification by GoogleID, this Northern Cardinal has scientific name, Cardinalis cardinalis. The bird is a common bird, and it may be observed all year round in our city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

In addition to our backyards, this bird could be seen in the variety of habitats such as parks (city parks) and woodlands.

The bird is appraised as one of beautiful birds in the USA, and as a songbird, we love to hear its melodies songs. We hear the songs from our backyard in the morning, and sometimes throughout the day.

Fig 02- Halloween decor, illustration

Fig 03- Flower, blooming in the Fall, illustration

Fig 04- A cardinal visit our birdfeeder.

Is it easy to observe a Cardinal in your areas?

# Previous postings:

The Beauty of Budgerigar Bird - Critter 55

Wednesday, October 18, 2023
In nature, the Budgerigar Bird moving around to search water and food like other nomadic birds.

Fig 01- The Beauty of Budgerigar Bird on the ground

This bird has three well known common names, they are shell parakeet, budgie and common parakeet.

The scientific name of Budgerigar Bird is Melopsittacus undulatus, and native to Australia regions.

The bird is popular as pet in many parts of the world with several reasons include its ability to imitate human speech, small size and low cost.

This budgie is easy to breed, the bird may breed in captivity and then the baby bird in pairs.

Fig 02- Birds love to consume sunflowers seed.

Budgerigars love to consume seeds such as sunflowers, chia seed, safflower, flaxseed and others.

However, when we tried to give seeds, the bird flew to the tree, then flew away.

Fig 03- The Budgie was ready to fly away.

Have you seen this kind of bird?

# Previous postings:

A Colorful Love Bird - Critter 54

Friday, October 6, 2023
 As you might know love bird is one of the popular pets around the world. The bird is native to the Africa.

Fig 01- The colorful of love bird.

We spotted the bird around our area recently. It flew away as we approached it. We believe the bird belongs to someone as a pet.

Love bird is a small parrot with length size between 5 to 7 inches (13 to 18 cm). There are nine species of lovebirds, and four is popular pet.

The most popular is the peach-faced lovebird with scientific name, Agapornis roseicollis.

Other three are: Black-masked lovebird (Agapornis personatus), Yellow-collared lovebird (Agapornis personatus) and Fischer's lovebird (Agapornis fischeri).

Fig 02- Beautiful flowers, blooming.

Some people like love birds because of their bright colors, playful, active and "relatively easy to care for."

Their diet includes nuts and seeds, and we can add with some fresh vegetables or fruits.

fig 03- A cute cat on the street, just illustration

Do you know about love birds?

# Previous postings:

The American Bittern in the Backyard - Critter 53

Friday, September 22, 2023
This bird has been in our backyard all afternoon and this evening. Stares up at sky and only moves if we get too close.

Fig 01- The bird stare up at the sky

The American Bittern usually live in the swampy areas around water. Hence, we are lucky enough to see this bird as our visitor.

The bird has scientific name, Botaurus lentiginosus, is a species of wading bird in the heron family.

It has a Nearctic distribution, where breeding ground in Canada, the northern and central parts of the United States.

Then, wintering in the U.S. Gulf Coast states, all of Florida into the Everglades, the Caribbean islands and parts of Central America.

Fig 02 - The bird sitting on the line.

The American bittern is a carnivorous bird, consume a variety of small aquatic animals such as fish, amphibians and crustaceans.

Fig 03- The American Bittern on the line, closer

Have you ever seen the American Bittern in the nature?

# Previous postings:

Roaming Guinea Fowls in Neighborhood - Part 1 - Critter 52

Thursday, September 14, 2023
We saw a couple of guinea fowl crossed the busy traffic road in front of nearby
library sometimes a week ago.

Fig - A couple of guinea fowl in neighborhood

Recently, they are roaming our neighborhood. In fact, the guinea fowls love to travel around.

The birds may walk about a quarter mile (402 meters), and then return to their home base.

Guinea fowl was native to Africa, and relate to other birds such as:
- pheasants
- turkeys
- partridges

The Barred Owl just Visit our Fence - Critter 51

Monday, September 4, 2023
We saw a barred owl sitting in the birdbath this evening, then the bird flew to the fence about 5 feet away and sitting there.

Fig 01- A barred owl sitting on the fence.

We wonder how long the predator will stay there, and it didn’t seem perturbed at all by we are talking to it.

The young squirrels didn’t seem too afraid of it either, since squirrels are included in barred owl's diet.

Actually, barred owls consume a variety of prey, some of them are rabbits, opossums, mice and voles.

Yes, they mainly eat small mammals, it is because small mammals are easy to catch and quite abundant.

Fig 02- A barred owl, turns its head.

However, the barred owls are nocturnal predators, they active in daylight could be weather conditions. Higher temperature which reaches more than 40* C (104* F) makes them try to find out water.

Fig 03- Just standing on the fence.

Have you seen barred owl on daylight?

# Previous postings:

We Found a Falcon with Anklets on her Feet - Critter 50

Sunday, August 20, 2023
We saw a falcon at the yard, unfortunately she can't fly. After approaching the bird, we saw anklets on her feet. 

Why is this bird wearing anklets?

Fig 01- A falcon with anklets on her feet

Wildlife rehabilitators and Falconers use anklets on bird's feet to prevent falcons to chase certain preys in which they shouldn't do that. 

Other reasons that to make falcons safe, to keep them from getting lost and to prevent them from flying away.

Some wildlife rehabilitators have attached the anklets with bells or radio transmitters. The bells will ring, so rehabilitators to hear and know the bird whereabout. 

In case of radio transmitters, wildlife rehabilitators or falconers could use it to track location of the bird.

Fig 02- The falcon just looks calm.

The bird can't fly; it is because of some possibilities that are incorrect anklets (too tight, too loose or too heavy), and the falcon could be sick or injured. She might be not able to fly even without anklets.

Fig 03- The bird standing at the corner.

Finally, we called the nearby wildlife rehabilitator to take care the bird.

Fig 04- The falcon was ready to meet her master.

Have you seen a bird with anklets?

# Previous postings:

Dead of Bird during Higher Temperature - Critter 49

Thursday, August 10, 2023
We saw two dead birds; one on the grass, and another one on the asphalt at our neighborhood when we were jogging several days ago. We believed that the birds are the Mississippi Kites. 

Fig 01- The dead bird on the grass.

The Mississippi kite with scientific name, (Ictinia mississippiensis), has declined of its population in the last few decades.

It is because its habitats include savannahs, rangelands and woodlands have been converted to development and agriculture.

In case of heat wave, our local newspaper, The Advocate just reported that more than 200 birds were dead in our city, Baton Rouge, August 9, 2023.

The variety of birds includes warblers and sparrows were found dead in the parking lots, driveways and city parks.

Fig 02- The dead bird on the asphalt

The bird's death is caused by heat wave in the city during the summertime. Birds got heatstroke because their body has difficulty to regulate higher temperature and higher humidity.

Fig 03- Two birds, on the grass and asphalt

Did your city experience with heat wave during summertime?

# Previous postings:


Pigeons in the Urban Areas – Critter 48

Friday, August 4, 2023
 We saw a couple of pigeons visited our neighborhood recently. We don't know whether they are wild or pets.

Fig 01- A pigeon on the roof

Actually pigeons have adapted to urban areas, hence normal to see them in the city. Urban areas provide foods and shelters to this critter. 

They consume variety of foods such as grains (corns and other seeds), insect and even household's garbage.

Not surprise to see them around food carts, parks, dumpsters and trash cans to find something to consume.

We might see pigeon roosting on the sidewalks, gardens and buildings. They look like to be relatively safe from predators by hiding on the rooftops.

Fig 02- Myrtle flowers, illustration only

Some predators that pigeons have to contend with are owls, hawks, falcons, raccoons, snakes and even cats.

Fig 03- A pigeon at the corner, an urban area

Do you see pigeons in your neighborhood?

# Previous postings:

- Is Tempeh Better than Tofu? - Part 2 – Food Variety 30 | Tanza Erlambang Update 
- The Food Trucks at the Market of a Countryside – Sign 44 | Tanza Erlambang Update 
-A Pollinator of the Black Jack flower – Critter 38 | Tanza Erlambang Update 
-Ripening Wild Tomatoes from Yards - Gardening and Hobby 34 | Tanza Erlambang Update

The Butterfly Visit Zinnia Flowers – Critter 47

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

We have talked zinnia flowers, you may read the previous post:

- Blooming of Zinnia Flowers - Gardening and Hobby 32 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Fig 01- A Swallowtail butterfly on Zinnia

Zinnia flowers are attractive for many pollinators include butterfly, hummingbird and bees.

However, we always see swallowtail butterfly around Zinnia flowers than other pollinators during late Spring to Summer seasons.

The swallowtail butterfly have 560 species worldwide, but seven only in our state, Louisiana, they are: Black Swallowtail, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Polydamas Swallowtail, Pipevine Swallowtail, Spicebush Swallowtail, Giant Swallowtail and Zebra Swallowtail.

Fig 02- Zinnia flowers in the garden

The reasons that Swallowtail butterflies love zinnia flowers are:

1) Butterfly easy to spot Zinnias due to their large and bright colors.

2) The flowers have a lot of nectar

3) Zinnias have a long tube-shaped corolla that is excellent for butterflies proboscises.

Fig 03- A butterfly, a visitor to Zinnia

What do you think about Zinnia and butterfly?

# Previous postings:

- Mockingbird’s Eggs Near my House – Critter 36 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Blooming of Zinnia Flowers - Gardening and Hobby 32 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Could Diabetes Increase Chance to Get Stroke? - Diabetes 31 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- A Wild Watermelon Growing at Yards – Food Variety 33 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Tax Free for International Visitors – Sign 43 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Barred Owls in our Neighborhoods – Critter 46

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Owl is one of predators that visit our neighborhood frequently. It seems that their population is fluctuating. We noticed their number are increasing recently, after almost disappear about 5 years ago.

Fig 01- A barred owl on the roof

Our state, Louisiana hosts for 8 species of owls. At least two species are observed in our neighborhoods, they are: Barred owl, Strix varia and Barnes owl,Tyto alba

The main reason these owls reappear in our areas could be due to re-growing of large and mature trees which provide shelter for them. They love maples, oaks and pines.

Another factor that they attract with plenty of rodents, which are their main prey. Other sources of foods are birds, amphibians, squirrels, rabbits and bats.

Fig 02- A corner of neighborhood

Fig 03- Two barred owls sitting on the line.

How many owls species in your areas?

# Previous postings:

- List of Foods with Low Glycemic Index – Diabetes 30 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- The Reasons Your Dogs have Eaten Grass – Part 1 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Drug, Smoke and Alcohol Free Campus – Sign 40 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- The Butterfly Milkweed Plants - Gardening and Hobby 31 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- What is Negative Interest Rate Mean? - Part 2 | Tanza Erlambang Update