The Red Jalapeno Pepper in the Market - Sign 73

Friday, April 26, 2024
 The Red Jalapeño represents a crimson-hued variation of the Jalapeno pepper, a widely favored chili. 

Fig 01 - Sign of red Jalapeno.

Red jalapeños are a type of jalapeño pepper that has matured to a red hue. They are generally regarded as slightly less spicy than their green counterparts.

Just to let you know that degree of spiciness (heat) is measured by Scoville Heat Unit (SHU). Comparison of SHU for red jalapeños, green jalapeños, bell pepper and poblano pepper are following:
- Bell pepper: 0 SHU (no heat)
- Poblano pepper: 1,000 to 2,000 SHU (mild)
- Red and green Jalapeno are 2,500 to 8,000 SHU with red is milder.

Fig 02 - Red pepper, milder spiciness

# Important postings:

Fig 03 - Red Jalapeno, sold in the market. 

Ripe red jalapeños can be discovered in select grocery stores, particularly those with well-stocked inventories or at Latin American markets.

Fig 04 - Can be found in certain groceries.

Do you like Jalapeno pepper?

# Previous postings:



  1. Wow! that's pretty expensive! I had no idea how expensive they were getting. I think it is hard to get a true red pepper anymore..not like those when I was a kid raised on a farm. Those were powerfully hot. But Americans like the color over the heat so many hybrids have changed it to a milder hot pepper..or so it seems here in the heartland. But I am sure where you live you have a genuine hot pepper. Usually, we grow ours inside. And we don't use a lot of them.

    1. a lot of hybrid makes confuse sometimes...

      Thank you-
      The Red Jalapeno Pepper in the Market - Sign 73
      The Red Jalapeño represents a crimson-hued variation of the Jalapeno pepper, a widely favored chili.

  2. Hot peppers are like a staple in our veggies when we can get them.

  3. Peppers add so much flavour to food

    1. ... and many love it...

      Thank you-
      The Red Jalapeno Pepper in the Market - Sign 73
      The Red Jalapeño represents a crimson-hued variation of the Jalapeno pepper, a widely favored chili.

  4. Look good -Christine

  5. Red pepper paste is made in Turkey :)

    1. glad to hear....

      Thank you-
      The Red Jalapeno Pepper in the Market - Sign 73
      The Red Jalapeño represents a crimson-hued variation of the Jalapeno pepper, a widely favored chili.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Red Jalapeno Pepper in the Market - Sign 73

  7. thanks for sharing have a nice sunday:)

    1. Thank you-
      The Red Jalapeno Pepper in the Market - Sign 73
      The Red Jalapeño represents a crimson-hued variation of the Jalapeno pepper, a widely favored chili.

  8. Interesting. I would have thought that the red peppers were super hot .. good to know. I sure enjoy the flavor that peppers bring to any dish

    1. me too....

      Thank you-
      The Red Jalapeno Pepper in the Market - Sign 73
      The Red Jalapeño represents a crimson-hued variation of the Jalapeno pepper, a widely favored chili.

  9. My husband loves anything hot but not me. I do use a lot of the red bell peppers in salads as they have such a great taste.

  10. The husband would definitely enjoy it.

    1. Thank you-
      The Red Jalapeno Pepper in the Market - Sign 73
      The Red Jalapeño represents a crimson-hued variation of the Jalapeno pepper, a widely favored chili.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Red Jalapeno Pepper in the Market - Sign 73
