The Criollo Mangoes in the Market - Sign 68

Saturday, February 17, 2024
 We saw quite "small size" mangoes sold in the ethnic store just recently. The mangoes called as "a mango criollo." 

Fig 01 - Sign of Mango Criollo. 

This mango has many common names include wild Mexican, Indio, Coche, Mexican and Corriente mango. Based on its common names, we may guess its origin. Yes, the origin is from Mexico. 

If lucky enough, we may find two kinds of Criollo mangoes in the ethnic markets (Mexican groceries or Asian shops):
1) Criollo wild
- smaller sizes 
- highly favorite because of their flavorful and rich in nutrients.

Fig 02 - Ripe mangoes, bigger sizes

# Important postings:

Fig 03 - Smaller mangoes, not ripe yet.

2) Criollo cultivated:
- quite larger sizes
- juicy flesh and sweet.

Fig 04 - Green, just illustration.

The Criollo cultivated mangoes have some advantage's abilities compare to Criollo wild mangos.

Fig 05 - Indoor plants, illustration only. 

Cultivated mangoes are able to self-pollinate and heavy crops production in warmer areas or regions. 

Fig 06 - 4 smaller sizes of Criollo wild. 

Some beginner mango growers choose Criollo mangoes as their great choice since the plants have minimal care requirements and excellent productions.

Fig 07 - Criollo mangoes sold in the grocery. 

Have you tried Criollo mangoes?

## Previous postings:


  1. ...I've enjoy fresh mangos in Hawaii.

  2. I rarely get a fresh one here where I live. Nice post.

  3. Replies
    1. me too....

      Thank you-
      The Criollo Mangoes in the Market - Sign 68
      We saw quite "small size" mangoes sold in the ethnic store just recently. The mangoes called as "a mango criollo."

  4. I love mango but It's also very expensive in the city I live in.

  5. This type of mangos is the one I enjoy back home in Taiwan

  6. Interesting reads about mangos. they are loved in this household...healthy for us as well.

    1. Thank you-
      The Criollo Mangoes in the Market - Sign 68
      We saw quite "small size" mangoes sold in the ethnic store just recently. The mangoes called as "a mango criollo.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Criollo Mangoes in the Market - Sign 68

  8. sometimes, they harvested early than should be.....

    Thank you-
    The Criollo Mangoes in the Market - Sign 68

  9. The mango season is beginning here in India now! Looking forward.

    1. Thank you-
      The Criollo Mangoes in the Market - Sign 68
