Wildflowers in the Walking Trail - Gardening and Hobby 47

Sunday, December 3, 2023
 There are plenty of wildflowers in walking trails in our city, Baton Rouge. Based on internet sources, the species are no less than 200.

Fig 01- One of wildflowers

One of wildflowers we encounter when we are walking that is "purple" flowers. Based on GoogleID, the flower is identified as Ruellia humilis.

The common name of this flower is the dwarf wild petunia, native to the southeastern states of the USA.

The flower may reach 12 inches (31 cm), perennial flower and grow well during Spring to Autumn in the nature.

Our city has some good trails to observe wildflowers. The length of trails from 1 mile to 3.5 miles. Our favorite trail is 1.5 miles.

Fig 02 - Unidentified wildflowers.

Some walking trails in our city are Louisiana State University (LSU), South boulevard levee, Gus Kinchen, Dawson creek and Ward creek.

Image 3 - Wild tabasco on the trail

We love the LSU trail, since the trail is comfortable for us with only 1.5 mile long. We just need 30 minutes daily walking.

Fig 04 - Wild Tabasco flowers?

We observe some wildflowers while walking that are iris, crossvine, black-eyed Susan, azalea and hibiscus.

Fig 05 - A wildflower, Ruellia humilis.

Do you recognize some wildflowers?

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  1. So nice sharing, thanks for your sharing

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Wildflowers in the Walking Trail - Gardening and Hobby 47
      There are plenty of wildflowers in walking trails in our city, Baton Rouge. Based on internet sources, the species are no less than 200.

  3. Lovely wild flowers! Yes, always great to find them in our area too.

  4. ...enjoy Mother Nature's gardens.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Wildflowers in the Walking Trail - Gardening and Hobby 47

  6. Love wildflowers-Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love purple wild flowers. they're so pretty.

  9. Wild flowers are beautiful.

    1. yes...

      Thank you-
      Wildflowers in the Walking Trail - Gardening and Hobby 47
      There are plenty of wildflowers in walking trails in our city, Baton Rouge. Based on internet sources, the species are no less than 200.

  10. I like this blog post! Your photos are beautiful, as always. I LOVE nature, especially wildflowers. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us. Wishing you All the Best, dear friend. Have a blessed Week!

  11. I have never seen wild tabasco! Great post!

  12. It's so nice that you can see flowers in Dec. All of ours are gone. When it warms up here we will have a lot of wildflowers along the roads. Nice that you have good walking trails by you. Have a great week!

    1. temperature is friendly compared to North.....

      Thank you-
      Wildflowers in the Walking Trail - Gardening and Hobby 47

  13. Beautiful flowers, I love the purple Ruellia, it is new to me. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  14. Se você tiver mais detalhes ou estiver procurando por algo específico dentro deste tema, ficarei feliz em ajudar!
