A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

Fig 01- A kit on the corner of a yard

As you know, a baby raccoon is called as a kit, so cute. We worried to approach the baby, then just observe from some distant.

The kit eye looks injured, it might be that she tried to get around in the grass and she irritates her own eyes.

In our areas, baby raccoon are born in the spring, from March to June. After birth, about 2 to 3 months, the babies are weaning from the nest. It is mean that the babies are able to survive without help from their mother.

Unfortunately, we don’t know how old the baby is!

Fig 02- A flower, illustration only

We believe that the baby is not ready yet to live alone without help from her mother, she just wandering while her mother looking for food.

Finally, we call a person with licensed wildlife rehabilitation to rescue this little critter.

Fig 03- Another raccoon, adult one

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

- Can Mosquitoes be Exterminated on the Earth? - Part 1 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- The Portable Stump for Hunting Blind – Sign 38 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- The Differences between Pink and Regular Salts - Part 2 - Food Variety 28 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- The Bengal is a Cross Breeding Cat – Critter 35 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Homemade Local Pecan Candy - Part 2 - Food Variety 29 | Tanza Erlambang Update


  1. Replies
    1. but dangerous too...

      Thank you-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  2. So cute baby racon, thanks for your sharing...

  3. ...so many raccoons are sick in this area, they can be a danger.

    1. they carry rabies...

      Thank you for coming-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  4. Raccoons are pesky, but sorry the kit is injured.

  5. Replies
    1. cute but dangerous....

      Thank you for coming-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  6. What a cutie! Wise to keep your distance though, and nice that you called someone.

  7. What a cutie! Hope her Mom didn't get killed. Glad you called some one.

    1. hopefully.....

      Thank you for visiting-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  8. So cute! Good idea to call an animal rescue person. Doesn't seem like the mama is anywhere nearby.

  9. Replies
    1. yes.....

      Thank you for visiting my post-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  10. The little raccoon if very cute, hopefully it is not injured. The person you called will be very knowledgeable and know what to do.

  11. Replies
    1. she take cares the baby now...

      Thank you-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  12. They do have big heads. No wonder they are so smart. We have them on our roof occasionally.

  13. We have them in our neighborhood. Glad you called in a professional.

  14. That kit is so cute!!!!
    A Cute Kit, as it were.

    1. It is.....

      Thank you for coming-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  15. The little raccoon is beautiful.
    Have a nice weekend.

  16. Raccoons look so cute, but I know they can be dangerous.

  17. Thank you for helping the raccoon baby!

  18. Replies
    1. sweet baby....

      Thank you for comment-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  19. This baby is so cute.

    1. yes, she is.....

      Thank you for comment on my post-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  20. Replies
    1. Thank you for comment on my post-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.

  21. Hello,
    The baby raccoon is adorable. I love the waterlily. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  22. I'm glad you reached out to the rehabilitation expert to ensure the safety of the cute kit.

  23. I'm so glad you called someone to help. It's so hard to know what to do for the good of the animal. It's a cutie!

    1. yes, she should be rescued....

      Thank you for comment on my post-
      A Baby Raccoon on the Corner – Critter 45
      We saw a baby raccoon on the corner of a yard at our neighborhood recently, when we are jogging in the morning.
