No, plants do not have a “brain.” So, how do they memorize information?
They have cells to have “a sophisticated calcium based networks” like memory in animals.
A report revealed when a certain plant was treated with several drops of water then its responds:
- at first drop, plant will react by wincing its leaf
- after a while, plant learned to understand that water was harmless, thus plant does not react to other drops of water.
How about with memory?
Another surprise that plants are able to “memorize.” In this context, plants could store previous experienced.
The ability to memorize is quite longer than expected, even compared to average animals:
- plant could memorize or hold new information for several weeks.
- insects have very short memory, could only from one to two days.
The plants remember or distinguish seasons as well.
They know or sense the winter, and then “happy” to produce flowers when spring is coming.
# To be continued to Part 2
## Previous postings:
- Effect of Insulin on Metabolic Rate - Diabetes 19
- What are Health Benefits to Walk under the Trees?