A lot of mango types can be found in the USA market from spring to early fall. They are mainly imported from Mexico.
It is surprising fact for me that those mangoes are not Mexican indigenous fruit, but introduced by British from a tropical country, Philippine around 200 or 300 years ago.
Then, the mangoes have grown very well in Mexico and other parts of South America regions.
Sure, there are many countries have exported mangoes to lucrative USA markets.
It is estimated, revenue from fresh mangoes in USA market is about US$ 493 millions in 2020.
Comparing to previous years, import of mango is increasing year by year in term of US$ values.
In addition to Mexico, other Latin countries which export mango to USA market are Ecuador, Peru, Haiti, Brazil and Guatemala.
USA also imports mango from some Asian countries such as Thailand, Pakistan and India.
# To be continued to Part 2
## Previous postings:
- Why We Should not Feed Monkeys with Banana? | Tanza Erlambang
- Updates of Vaccines to Combat Covid-19 – Virus 12 | Tanza Erlambang
- Do You Know that an Owl Flies Without Sounds? | Tanza Erlambang