warriors carrying offerings to the gods - Sign 74

Sunday, May 5, 2024
We found a sculpture, made of metal from an antique store recently. Since its cheap, we just bought it. 

Fig - Chacmool, a sculpture from Mexico

There are important figures and the sign in the sculpture:
1) The reclined figure with head facing 90 degrees from his front, called as Chacmool.
- The Chacmool is the figure to hold a bowl in his stomach. The bowl is used for offering to a god or gods
- It is likely the Chacmool serves to rain gods (the central Mexico rain god, Tlaloc or Mayan rain god, Chac). 

2) The circular figure looks like a copy of the Mayan calendar.
- The calendar is an ancient system to track time.

3) Chichen Itza
- A Mayan temple ruin on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Near the city of Progresso.
- We may find several Chacmool sculptures around the Chichen Itza temple.

Finally, have you ever seen a sculpture of Chacmool?

# Previous postings:


  1. Very interesting. I have seen that sculpture in, but I'm not sure where. Thanks so much for the Sunday post.

  2. Very interesting. Nice to have too. Thanks for the post!

    1. yes, interesting .....

      warriors carrying offerings to the gods - Sign 74
      We found a sculpture, made of metal from an antique store recently. Since its cheap, we just bought it.

  3. Replies
    1. yes....

      Thank you-
      warriors carrying offerings to the gods - Sign 74
      We found a sculpture, made of metal from an antique store recently. Since its cheap, we just bought it.

  4. Interesting, thanks for your sharing

    1. Thank you-
      warriors carrying offerings to the gods - Sign 74

  5. I have not ever seen one, nor have I heard of one before. Very cool find.

    1. Thank you-
      warriors carrying offerings to the gods - Sign 74
      We found a sculpture, made of metal from an antique store recently. Since its cheap, we just bought it.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      warriors carrying offerings to the gods - Sign 74

  7. Interesting my friend.

  8. Muy interesante, muchas gracias por compartirlo. Besos

    1. Thank you-
      warriors carrying offerings to the gods - Sign 74
      We found a sculpture, made of metal from an antique store recently. Since its cheap, we just bought it.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      warriors carrying offerings to the gods - Sign 74
