Homeless and Drug Addictions – Sign 35

Thursday, February 23, 2023

We found a sign on the grass when we have daily jogging. The sign highly probably from a homeless man.

Fig 01- Sign found on the lawn

We can read the sign said :”Homeless Going Through A Hard Time Anything Helps.”

Then, close to the sign, we found a box and several of used syringe needles (please see Fig 02 and 03). You may conclude who have the needles.

Do you believe the homelessness is a matter of choice in life?

As reported by Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities (August 6, 2020: Homelessness Survey 2020 Results) that there are 3 (three) main causes of homelessness in the USA.

Fig 02- Drug needles at roadside

Top three causes of homelessness, especially in the big cities across America:

- drug addictions

- job loss

- mental health

1 of 5 (20%) of homeless are drug addictions and alcohol abuses. Actually, they got drug and alcohol after they are homelessness.

Fig 03- Syringe needles in the box.

However, small proportion only, less than 1% of population is homeless. City administrations have good programs to reduce this number.

# Previous postings:

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- Zinnia Flower and Vincent Van Gogh – Part 1 - Art 3 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- The Ways in “Caching” for Speeding Up Web Server – Part 1 | Tanza Erlambang Update


  1. 1% it is still a lot :-( and about drugs is better to keep from them away but unfortunately a lot of people think they are solution for their problems

  2. All sorts of civilisations cannot get away from substance dependence

  3. ...homelessness is a complex problem and we look for simple solutions.

  4. The economics of housing is a big factor these days. Like someone said, it is very complex. Homeless shelters are stressed. People aren't giving like they used to due to inflation. Fires are happening in abandoned houses and buildings. Libraries are becoming a place where many can come in from the heat and cold. Yes, there are a lot stress factors to deal with.

    1. you are right.... stress makes people easy to get sick, then no job.... etc...

  5. These are sad times. Although, I don't see needles in our streets, but I know of people living out of cars which are not equipped to 'tiny home' living. Some just park on our street to spend the night, or so it seems. And it's the dead of winter here, which did come late. Some look to be up and coming by what they wear but they stay indoors at MacDonalds as long as they can before they close the dining area.

    1. I read many dead during harsh winter in the north states.....sad.

      Thanks to visit my post-
      Homeless and Drug Addictions – Sign 35
      We found a sign on the grass when we have daily jogging. The sign highly probably from a homeless man.

  6. Addiction is one of the many problems that affect our society these days.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Homeless and Drug Addictions – Sign 35

  7. It's a big problem also here, maily close to the biggest Rome's railway station. It seems they want to live along the sidewalk. Many volunteers give them breakfast and dinner every day.

  8. This is also a pretty big problem.

  9. So sad. It's a big problem.
    Have a nice weekend.

  10. So sad that we never seem to get a hold of this

  11. Homelessness is a major problem all over and it is going to get worst in the future. People talk about it but unfortunately those in power don't do much about it. We have a lot of churches that try but $$$ is scarce.
