A White Dove without a Band on its Ankle - Critter 69

Friday, March 1, 2024
 We saw doves in the city garden or our neighborhood during Spring seasons sometimes, but very rare to see white doves. 

Fig 01 - A white dove on the fence.

As far as we know, there are two familiar species of wild doves, they are not completely white in our areas:
1) White-wing doves
- the doves have brown body, but their wings have white patches. We may see these dove in the city parks.

2) Eurasian collared dove
- These doves are a quite common in our areas. They are found in many places include yards and feeders The doves have more white patches. 

Fig 02 - A white dove on the lawn.

# Important postings:

Fig 03 - A parking lot, just illustration.

If we see white doves in a neighborhood, it is usually domesticated doves. They are bred for their color (white color). 

Fig 04 - One of corners in our city.

Domesticated doves are own either by pet owners or companies. There are companies to provide service for white doves' in our area.  

Fig 05 - Morning glory flowers, illustration.

Domesticated white doves are released for special events such as student graduations, weddings and funerals. 

Fig 06 - Tall buildings at a bay, illustration.

In our case (Fig 01 and Fig 07), appears to be a white dove do not see a band on its ankle if it has a band, it’s probably belonging to someone’s aviary otherwise it could be wild.

Fig 07 - A white dove in our area. 

Have you seen white doves in nature?

## Previous postings:


  1. ...may the doves bring us peace.

  2. I haven't seen one. I rarely see a pigeon around here, too.

  3. I didn't know this about white dove. Thanks for the post!

    1. I see ......

      Thank you-
      A White Dove without a Band on its Ankle - Critter 69
      We saw doves in the city garden or our neighborhood during Spring seasons sometimes, but very rare to see white doves.

  4. Huh. I didn't know that about white doves. Nice. Morning glory flowers are lovely.

  5. There are generally brown and gray pigeons here.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      A White Dove without a Band on its Ankle - Critter 6

  7. I don't know that
    I've seen a white ones...

    1. pretty....

      Thank you-
      A White Dove without a Band on its Ankle - Critter 69
      We saw doves in the city garden or our neighborhood during Spring seasons sometimes, but very rare to see white doves.

  8. We have doves come to the feeder but not white ones. These are so pretty! Have a great week!

  9. Not very common in Mumbai too.

  10. Yess, we have lots of Whiite Doves, they flowed together of twenty five. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you-
      A White Dove without a Band on its Ankle - Critter 69

  11. Lovely photos! That's a lucky sighting - white doves are uncommon in the wild. It reminds me of a recent sighting of an unusual white variant of a rock pigeon I saw.

  12. I don't think I've ever seen a white dove but they are beautiful. I love that you saw one that is banded!

    1. Thank you-
      A White Dove without a Band on its Ankle - Critter 69
