The Crape Myrtle Growing from Seeds - Gardening and Hobby 43

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
We may collect Crape myrtle seeds when the seed pods have turned from green to brown, and this happen in the Fall season.

Fig 01- Flowers of Crape Myrtle blooming.

The seeds are stored in the cool and dry places, then be used (planted) in the Spring season. 

In our case, this seedling was germinated in the baggy. and then put it in the "specific" pot after it sprouted.

After about six months in the pot, the Crape Myrtle plants have reached about 17 inches (43 cm) tall.

It’s already got flowerheads on every single seed sprout the yellow centers turn to seed pods and we have many of those on there as well.

Fig 02- Beautiful flowers of Crape Myrtle.

This plant comes from Asia, and very popular in the warm climate like our areas, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The flowers have variety of colors such as white, red, pink and purple.

Fig 03- The big myrtle in the garden.

Do you familiar with Crape Myrtle flowers?

# Previous postings:


  1. I have a myrtle tree in my backyard too

  2. So pretty! Such a great gardener!

  3. Some lovely flowers! All the best to a great October!

    1. Thank you-
      The Crape Myrtle Growing from Seeds - Gardening and Hobby 43
      We may collect Crape myrtle seeds when the seed pods have turned from green to brown, and this happen in the Fall season.

  4. ...and each should be different.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Crape Myrtle Growing from Seeds - Gardening and Hobby 43

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Crape Myrtle Growing from Seeds - Gardening and Hobby 43
      We may collect Crape myrtle seeds when the seed pods have turned from green to brown, and this happen in the Fall season.

  7. Replies
    1. colorful flowers...

      Thank you-
      The Crape Myrtle Growing from Seeds - Gardening and Hobby 43

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Crape Myrtle Growing from Seeds - Gardening and Hobby 43
      We may collect Crape myrtle seeds when the seed pods have turned from green to brown, and this happen in the Fall season.

  9. She is beautiful.
    I wish you a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you-
      The Crape Myrtle Growing from Seeds - Gardening and Hobby 43

  10. As sementes de crape myrtle podem precisar de estratificação a frio para germinar. Coloque as sementes em um saco com areia úmida e refrigere por cerca de 30 a 60 dias para simular condições de inverno.
