Roof is one of important parts of our house. People do cleaning house roof for many purposes, from just to make look beautiful to prevent from destroying to get good bargain when selling it.
Many of my neighbors call a cleaning roof company to do the cleaning, but few did by themselves.
These chemicals are favorite to clean roof in my neighborhood:
- bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite).
- Sodium Hydroxide.
- or Sodium Percarbonate
Bleach not only clean the roof, but also kill the organisms (micro plants) which attached on shingles.
Two important “micro plants” may destroy our roofs are:
- algae
- mold
What is different between algae and mold?
Both are living organism. Algae need sunlight to live and grow, while mold does not require sun to survive.
Mold eats material on the roofs, and our roofs to be infected by molds. thus can make shingles rotten over times.
Our roofs may look “ugly,” because mold produces colors, include:
- black
- gray
- brown
- green
- white
Many brands of roof cleaners are available in the market, some of them are:
- Dicor
- Propack
- Wet and forget
- Eterna
- Spray and forget
It is easy to clean the roof, first, just spray the shingles with bleach or other brand cleaners, let the solution on the surface for 30 minutes. Then rinse with pressure water.
The result is amazing. Roof looks shining. Please see Figure 02 and 04. Our neighbors did clean their roof every other year.