Should We Consume Banana Everyday? - Part 1

Monday, May 29, 2023

I believe, we all eat variety of fruit every day, in case of me, banana is one of my favorite fruits, and eat it almost every day. 

Fig 01- Several organic bananas

Banana is the most favorite fruit in the world. Trade of this fruit in term of value in 2020 was US$14 billion, then slightly decrease to US$13.6 billion in 2021.

In fact, not only me, many of people consume bananas almost everyday, and even some of people, especially in the tropical countries, where bananas are plenty, have eaten banana more than one per day.

Should We Consume Banana Everyday?

Yes, many experts said.


Fig 02- Banana trees and fruit in a tropical country

The simple answers that It is because bananas have plenty benefits, some of them are:

- improve bowel movements

- maintain healthy cholesterol levels

- control blood sugar

- good for maintaining a healthy weight.

Fig 03- A type of banana, sold in an Asian grocery

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

- How Could Scientists Cure AIDS Patients? - Part 1 – Virus 40 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- The 24 Hour Emergency Service - Sign 29 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Do you Want to Have Forever Puppies? - Part 2 – Critter 27 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- The United States Import Ginger the most – Sign 30 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Have you Tasted Banana Pepper? - Part 2 - Food Variety 25 | Tanza Erlambang Update


  1. Banana is classified as a herb or grass I thought?

  2. ...I love bananas, but rarely have them. I have an apple a day!

  3. Oh, I love bananas!
    Thanks for sharing ♥

    1. yummy,,,,

      Thank you-
      Should We Consume Banana Everyday? - Part 1
      I believe, we all eat variety of fruit every day, in case of me, banana is one of my favorite fruits, and eat it almost every day.

  4. Hola! es una fruta muy rica, aunque a mi no me gusta mucho. Besos

  5. I have a banana everyday and sometimes two.

  6. I like bananas, I just bought them today.

    1. glad to hear you like banana...

      Thank you for visiting-
      Should We Consume Banana Everyday? - Part 1
      I believe, we all eat variety of fruit every day, in case of me, banana is one of my favorite fruits, and eat it almost every day.

  7. I have bananas twice a week. I have heard that bananas are also high in potassium.
    Great post, Tanza!

  8. I've never liked bananas but they're so healthy!!!!!!

  9. I have to have them half green for less sugar. You still have to worry about that.

  10. I don't eat them all the time, but I like having a banana split for my birthday.

    1. I see.... happy birthday to you..

      Thank you for comment-
      Should We Consume Banana Everyday? - Part 1
      I believe, we all eat variety of fruit every day, in case of me, banana is one of my favorite fruits, and eat it almost every day.

  11. I love the bananas from our Canary Islands

  12. I'm with you! I eat bananas everyday, but since pandemic they turn brown much quicker than before so I buy fewer and shop for them more often!!

    1. glad to hear you love banana...

      Thank you for visiting my post-
      Should We Consume Banana Everyday? - Part 1
      I believe, we all eat variety of fruit every day, in case of me, banana is one of my favorite fruits, and eat it almost every day.

  13. Personalmente considero que el plátano es una fruta muy rica y yo también como abundantemente plátano pero el plátano engorda. Es grasa vegetal y está lleno de azúcares. La ventaja que tiene es que uno de sus minerales más presentes es el potasio que para las personas deportistas hace que rindas más cuando haces deporte y eso es un aliciente en el consumo de esta fruta.

  14. Thanks for your informative sharing, I know that bananas have a blood pressure improving effect.

  15. Πολύ χρήσιμες πληροφορίες!
    και μένα μου αρέσουν οι μπανάνες

    1. Thank you for visiting my post-
      Should We Consume Banana Everyday? - Part 1
      I believe, we all eat variety of fruit every day, in case of me, banana is one of my favorite fruits, and eat it almost every day.
