Cutting Down Trees Due to Fungus Diseases - Gardening and hobby 1

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Chunk of woods

Our neighborhood and some Southern states trees have been attacked by diseases in the last 3 years.

We may know some diseases which could cause sick, and eventually dead of trees. The diseases are:

1) Dutch Elm diseases

The diseases caused by beetle, originally from Europe, and spread in many cities in the USA now days.

2) Armillaria Root Rot

It is a fungal diseases on rotting woods. This kind of fungi may infect living trees as well.

3) Black Knot Disease

A kind of fungi, attack on branches. Spreading from one tree to other trees during rainy season.

Branches and twigs

4) Bur Oak blight

This diseases caused by fungus called Tubakia dryina. We may see spots on leaves, then make leaves fall off the trees.

5) Spruce Decline

Fungus caused bald branches of blue spruce trees, then gradually make branches die, and fall. Diseases spreading to many parts of America.

Wood trunks, ready to pick up

6) Fruit tree diseases

One of well known diseases infects fruit trees is “Apple Scab.” Yes, the fungi caused green or brown spots of apple trees. Fallen leaves in great number may followed by tree death later on.

Moreover, we believed that our trees and neighborhood trees are infected by diseases called as “white powder.”

White spots are everywhere: roots, trunk, branches and twigs. We tried to save some trees by fungicide. It seems not work well.

Do you have trees in your backyard or garden? Do they have diseases?


  1. We have a lot of trees in my yard, but they are quite healthy. It makes me sad when a tree has to be cut down because it is diseased.

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      Cutting Down Trees Due to Fungus Diseases - Gardening 1

  2. Thanks for your informative article 😊

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      Cutting Down Trees Due to Fungus Diseases - Gardening 1

  3. That's interesting. I didn't know about this diseases before

    1. Thanks -
      Cutting Down Trees Due to Fungus Diseases - Gardening 1
      Chunk of woods

      Our neighborhood and some Southern states trees have been attacked by diseases in the last 3 years.

      We may know some diseases which could cause sick, and eventually dead of trees. The diseases are:

      1) Dutch Elm diseases
      The diseases caused by beetle, originally from Europe, and spread in many cities in the USA now days.

      2) Armillaria Root Rot
      It is a fungal diseases on rotting woods. This kind of fungi may infect living trees as well.

      3) Black Knot Disease
      A kind of fungi, attack on branches. Spreading from one tree to other trees during rainy season.

  4. We had a lot of pine trees in our yard but we lost 12 due to the storms over the pass few years, and now some are dying because of disease. It is so sad!

  5. The trees around our house are healthy.
    Greetings and have a nice weekend.

  6. yes I have trees in my garden, this year the orange trees are infected by a mosquito!!

    1. Thanks -
      Cutting Down Trees Due to Fungus Diseases - Gardening 1
      Branches and twigs

      4) Bur Oak blight
      This diseases caused by fungus called Tubakia dryina. We may see spots on leaves, then make leaves fall off the trees.

      5) Spruce Decline
      Fungus caused bald branches of blue spruce trees, then gradually make branches die, and fall. Diseases spreading to many parts of America.

  7. Our tree is suffering from TMB. Too many birthdays. It's old and bulky and loses branches when we get a big wind storm. We are hoping it can hang on for a few more years.

  8. we had to cut down both of our oak trees because of disease, so sad

  9. This is very interesting information, Tanza. It is also good to know and really helpful. Thank you for sharing this.

    Wishing you all the best. Stay Safe, my friennnd!

    1. Thanks -
      Cutting Down Trees Due to Fungus Diseases - Gardening 1
      Wood trunks, ready to pick up

      6) Fruit tree diseases
      One of well known diseases infects fruit trees is “Apple Scab.” Yes, the fungi caused green or brown spots of apple trees. Fallen leaves in great number may followed by tree death later on.

      Moreover, we believed that our trees and neighborhood trees are infected by diseases called as “white powder.”

      White spots are everywhere: roots, trunk, branches and twigs. We tried to save some trees by fungicide. It seems not work well.

      Do you have trees in your backyard or garden? Do they have diseases?

  10. OOOpps, TYPO! I meant friend, not what I have up there. :(

  11. Aku sekali waktu memperhatikan jamur yang tumbuh di batang pohon cemara, tapi aku ngga paham nama jenis jamurnya.
    Dari pos ini aku jadi mengenal namanya.

  12. I love tress =. Sad to see them chopped down coz they got sick :(

    1. Thanks -
      Cutting Down Trees Due to Fungus Diseases - Gardening 1
      Chunk of woods

      Our neighborhood and some Southern states trees have been attacked by diseases in the last 3 years.

      We may know some diseases which could cause sick, and eventually dead of trees. The diseases are:

      1) Dutch Elm diseases
      The diseases caused by beetle, originally from Europe, and spread in many cities in the USA now days.

      2) Armillaria Root Rot
      It is a fungal diseases on rotting woods. This kind of fungi may infect living trees as well.

      3) Black Knot Disease
      A kind of fungi, attack on branches. Spreading from one tree to other trees during rainy season.

  13. We have lost so many species you wonder what will be left in a few years.

  14. Sehr schade um den alten Baum. Bei uns haben viele Bäume gelitten aufgrund der starken Trockenheit in den letzten Jahren. LG Romy

    1. Thanks -
      Cutting Down Trees Due to Fungus Diseases - Gardening 1
      Branches and twigs

      4) Bur Oak blight
      This diseases caused by fungus called Tubakia dryina. We may see spots on leaves, then make leaves fall off the trees.

      5) Spruce Decline
      Fungus caused bald branches of blue spruce trees, then gradually make branches die, and fall. Diseases spreading to many parts of America.

  15. Thanks for sharing for valuable information.

    1. Thanks -
      Cutting Down Trees Due to Fungus Diseases - Gardening 1
