Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?

Friday, February 21, 2020
Lady carries a box with full of books in front a library

It was the facts that 350 libraries were closed across America in the recent years due to many factors, three of them:

- budget cuts: in addition to closures, also causes less operating hours
- widespread using of digital medias
- e-books are available in the market

Surprisingly, Americans and Canadians have used public libraries more and more in the last 10 years.

The trending seems appearing in the Europe too where governments reinvention to attracts thousands of visitors to come to libraries

Libraries are living, even evolving and reviving. Then, mainstream medias reported that library is top place to be visited by Americans.

 Our city library, a public library

Top 6 the rank places most visit by Americans are following (according to Gallup poll):
- library
- movie theater
- sport event (sport stadium)
- live music or theatrical event
- national or historical park
- museum

Now, the question is Why do Americans Love to Visit Library? The simple answer is that library could make quality of life be better.

How about you? Do you like to visit library?


  1. I love to visit our local library. There you can find so many interesting books and sometimes very rare books. For me it's a wonderful world where I can spend a few hours.

    1. Yes, indeed….

      Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      Lady carries a box with full of books in front a library

    2. Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      It was the facts that 350 libraries were closed across America in the recent years due to many factors, three of them:

    2. Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      - budget cuts: in addition to closures, also causes less operating hours
      - widespread using of digital medias
      - e-books are available in the market

    2. Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?

  4. I go less now but used to love it.

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      Surprisingly, Americans and Canadians have used public libraries more and more in the last 10 years.

    2. Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?

  5. I love library😊 books are different world 😊

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      The trending seems appearing in the Europe too where governments reinvention to attracts thousands of visitors to come to libraries

  6. Books are my thing! I love reading and love libraries.

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      Libraries are living, even evolving and reviving. Then, mainstream medias reported that library is top place to be visited by Americans.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      Our city library, a public library

  8. I like that you can spend time reading at a library...it's nice and quiet.

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      Now, the question is Why do Americans Love to Visit Library? The simple answer is that library could make quality of life be better.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      How about you? Do you like to visit library?

  10. I have no time for library because I work 12 hours a day and I also need to buy food, eat something and sleep.

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      Lady carries a box with full of books in front a library

  11. I visit my local library very often!! I'm a booklover!!

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      It was the facts that 350 libraries were closed across America in the recent years due to many factors, three of them:

  12. Thank you to visit:
    Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
    Top 6 the rank places most visit by Americans are following (according to Gallup poll):
    - library
    - movie theater
    - sport event (sport stadium)
    - live music or theatrical event
    - national or historical park
    - museum

  13. I love libraries! My first job was in a library when I wAS ONLY 15. Maybe because I love to read and the books took me all over the world, exploring many places and things. I love to take the grandkids today to the library even though they would tell me they can get the same information on their phones. But I would still make a trip out of it tellig them one day they will remember all the good times we had at the library.

    1. Glad to hear you bring your grand kids to library... now days, libraries are reviving in many places....

      Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      - budget cuts: in addition to closures, also causes less operating hours
      - widespread using of digital medias
      - e-books are available in the market

  14. Libraries are so important for giving us a little break from life. Although I don't visit them these days I do download my books from our local branch.

    1. Thank you to visit:
      Why do Americans Love to Visit Library?
      Surprisingly, Americans and Canadians have used public libraries more and more in the last 10 years.
