Are Women Happier Without Husband and Children?

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Illustration of happy women in Asia

My long long time belief that married, then have kids, make a man and a woman happier live.

The belief opposites to a new finding by a behavior scientist that a woman is happiest when she has no husband and no kids.

A man “probably” happier when he has wife, because he may “take advantage” of his wife.

In reality, working wife tend to have good mental health, thus made husband happier. In this case, both are happy, indeed.

A boy and a girl meet in the park

Other surprisings revealed from researches are:

- A married woman will say her married is happier if her husband in the room. Absent of husband in the room, she will say that her married “like in the hell.”

- A woman live longer and healthier without husband and kids.

- In-married women with a little bit income will be happier than having husband and kids.

- In-married women are not happy if they face with a question: when do you get married?

- Rush married due to old age tend to have a wrong guy, then ending with misery married. 

Is it called as “cultural shock?” Women are increasingly dependent, event against society norm.

They can live alone not only without a husband and kids, but also real dependent to support their daily needs to make their happy. 

Actually, I have no idea with this research findings. How about you? Do you have an opinion?


  1. I was raised in a culture were a woman has to be married and have children. I got married at very early age but much later I thought that I never followed some of my dreams, I gave up on them.
    It's a very interesting topic!

    1. I see...hope, you enjoy with your live now....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are Women Happier Without Husband and Children?
      Illustration of happy women, credit to Shared

    2. Are Women Happier Without Husband and Children?

  2. I think it depends on the husband. And a good husband is hard to find.

    1. I think so...

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women Happier Without Husband and Children?
      My long long time belief that married, then have kids, make a man and a woman happier live.

    2. Are Women Happier Without Husband and Children?

  3. This is interesting. My own personal feeling is that every situation is different, every person is different and thinks accordingly. I love my husband and son, and now his wife, and I would be sad without them. I also was brought up at a time when women were expected to marry and have children and not think about a career, but I don't think this is for everyone. What I do feel very strongly and what I would advise for every woman is that she get as much education as she can, so that if she can find a job to support herself. This is not as easy as it sounds I know. As for one's own happiness and how they feel about being married or not married, with children or without, it is entirely up to them.

    1. glad to read your personal feeling. Yes, the problem with women every where, especially in developing countries is that "lack of education."

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier Without Husband and Children?
      The belief opposites to a new finding by a behavior scientist that a woman is happiest when she has no husband and no kids.

  4. Surprising findings that may have truth to them.

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without Husband and Children?
      A man “probably” happier when he has wife, because he may “take advantage” of his wife.

  5. I don't have husband and kids and I'm really happy :)

    1. Good for you....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without, Husband and Children?
      Other surprisings revealed from researches are:

  6. I'm married but we don't want have kids, because we want to be independent and free to travel and make hobbies.I' m so very happy nowadays. I think that perfect option depens of each person

    1. I see.....good for you and your

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without, Husband, and Children?
      - A married woman will say her married is happier if her husband in the room. Absent of husband in the room, she will say that her married “like in the hell.”

  7. i think it is very individual and depends on woman :)

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without, Husband, and, Children?
      - A woman live longer and healthier without husband and kids.

  8. I don't have a husband or kids and I couldn't be happier. Each to their own.

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are Women Happier Without Husband and Children?
      - In-married women with a little bit income will be happier than having husband and kids.

  9. That is a personal decision, but I think that a woman can be happy and complete without a husband and children.

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women Happier Without Husband and Children?
      - In-married women are not happy if they face with a question: when do you get married?

  10. i do have an opinion...i was happier and much more care free before i had my children. that does not mean that i regret having children, but it came with so much worry and sacrifice!! i think i liked myself better before i had them!!

    i LOVE being married and i am sure i am a much better person and much happier being with my husband!!

    1. I see... hope, you enjoy your live forever....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier Without Husband and Children?
      - Rush married due to old age tend to have a wrong guy, then ending with misery married.

  11. I think it's hard to measure happiness.

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without Husband and Children?
      Actually, I have no idea with this research findings. How about you? Do you have an opinion

  12. This is a unique study. I chose not to have children for a number of reasons.
    We are all different so I think it is a matter of who has been polled. I also said I would never marry but I did so later in life after years of being with the man I decided to grow old with. I have no regrets in my choices.

    1. I see...glad that you would like to share your story... I believe you and your enjoy live....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without, Husband and Children?
      Illustration of happy women, credit to Shared

  13. I am extremely happy with my wonderful husband and son☺

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without, Husband, and Children?
      My long long time belief that married, then have kids, make a man and a woman happier live.

  14. Hi! I think that both situations have good and bad things.
    I hope you´ll visit my blog soon. Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without, Husband, and, Children?
      The belief opposites to a new finding by a behavior scientist that a woman is happiest when she has no husband and no kids.

  15. My life partner and I live two blocks apart. We've been together 23 years and I helped raise his kids. But we have our own space and freedom in our environments. It works like a charm!

    1. I see...hope, you and your enjoy live...

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are Women Happier Without Husband and Children?
      A man “probably” happier when he has wife, because he may “take advantage” of his wife.

  16. I don't have kids or a husband, so we shall see if I live longer. lol

    1. You kidding

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women Happier Without Husband and Children?
      Other surprisings revealed from researches are:

  17. Well I can tell about that because I'm not married and I dont have kids!!
    I'm happy, and I can tell you that I have no pacience with kids!! Nor with husband pants ahahahah!! Thats whats make me happier!!! lol
    now seriously, I think married women are jealous of single women because they invest more in themselves, travel more, pamper themselves more, dress better and make-up more, the others waste time with their children !! I feel it from my married friends.

    1. are kidding me...
      by the way.....I believe that you will get what you wish....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without Husband and Children?
      - A woman live longer and healthier without husband and kids

  18. I know many happy women without a husband and children ☺

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without, Husband and Children?
      - In-married women with a little bit income will be happier than having husband and kids

  19. all depends about whatyou need or want in life, not all my friends have kids, but Im pretty sure that when we adopted my twins about 24 ayears ago was the most important of my life, I love to think we are a happy famnily and I love my kids so much, with all.For nobody the life is easy. Interesting .

    1. Glad to know that you are happy in your life...

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without, Husband, and Children?
      - In-married women are not happy if they face with a question: when do you get married?

    2. We are married 37 years the kids arrived later but we are happy and ok !

    3. Thank you to visit my article:
      Are Women, Happier, Without, Husband, and Children?

  20. I love my children, but they are grown and gone, and I am a widow. I LOVE life right now. I love being able to do what I want, when I want.

    1. Glad to know that you are happy in life...

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are, Women, Happier, Without, Husband, and, Children?
      - Rush married due to old age tend to have a wrong guy, then ending with misery married.

  21. I am not married and I am happy. My sister married last month and she also seems to be happy.

    1. yes, we should happy with our choice...

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are Women Happier Without Husband and Children?
      Actually, I have no idea with this research findings. How about you? Do you have an opinion?

    2. Are Women Happier Without Husband and Children?

  22. I see.... you must be happy with your marriage.....

    Thank you to visit my article:
    Are, Women, Happier Without Husband and Children?
    - A married woman will say her married is happier if her husband in the room. Absent of husband in the room, she will say that her married “like in the hell.”

  23. Importand article, but I think that everyone can make his own happiness, married women are not so happy bcs of their fault, they leave their jobs, hobbies.etc... to take care of husband and kids, they give, they sacrifice, without aking to take ...
    Married men will never give happines to their wives,if they dont know how how to make it, married women must give little and take more, married women must keep their own jobs and hobbies, never never sacrifice for men!! Married women must keep their old happiness as they were single!!

    Thats my opinion

    1. I see...I got your points....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Are Women Happier Without Husband and Children?
      Illustration of happy women in Asia
