Why do Banana Ripen Faster than We Expected?

Monday, June 3, 2019
Ripen banana hanged on the hanger by street vendor
in the tropical country

Banana is the most popular fruit in the world (some resource said tomato is the most popular, but I consider tomatoes as vegetables), thus not surprising that almost all of us consume banana frequently.

Some of people even eat banana in form of fresh and processed bananas every day. We ourselves often eat fry banana in addition to fresh ones.

I believe that many of us can’t eat all bananas we bought every day, every other days or every week, it is because some are too ripen to be eaten in the following days.

Then why do banana ripen faster? The answer that banana is one of fruits that has higher Ethylene (C2H4) content, a kind of hormone in banana or fruit.

If we put other fruits in the same bag of banana, then bananas emit Ethylene in form of gas, the Ethylene circulates in the bag to stimulate other fruits ripen faster.

Over ripen banana

In addition to banana, the following fruit content higher Ethylene, thus could ripen quickly than other fruits:
- Melon
- Avocado
- Apples
- Pears
- Peaches
- Cantaloupe
- Mangoes
- Papayas
- Apricots

Simple ways to prevent bananas ripen quickly are:
- Store individually, not in bunch of bananas
- Separate the brown and green
- Do not wrap in the plastic bags
- Hang banana in the banana hangers.

Have you experienced with bananas ripen quickly than you expect?

How Much Cash in the Ultra Rich Wallet?

Sunday, June 2, 2019
US Dollar bills

As far as I remember that I never bring cash in the last two or three years, because I use credit or debit cards.

Interestingly, some billionaires still bring cash in their wallets.

Warren Buffet who has net worth US$ 84 billion and rank third as the richest man in the world carries US$ 400 in his wallet.

Yes, he has credit card, but only one and almost not use it. Then, we might have at least two questions:

why he carry cash? Two answers:
- First, Warren Buffet limit his breakfast US$ 3 only, thus he need cash to pay it.
- Second, it is easy to use, especially for small amount payment

Why he carry very little amount money compare to what his wealth? The simple answer is that he is a frugal billionaire. My opinion that Warren Buffet thinks twice before spending his money.

How about with Bill Gates? Before I answer this question that Bill Gate has net worth of US$ 90 billion and ranked as second richest man in the world.

The mansion of a super-rich person (credit to Google)

The answer almost similar to Warren Buffet. Bill Gate often does not bring wallet, thus not carry both cash and credit or debit cards.

In case, rarely occasion that Bill Gate bring a wallet with him. How much cash in his wallet? The answer might surprise you. US$ 100 only in his wallet.

The different between Bill Gates and Warren Buffet that Bill Gates always accompanied with his assistants, thus, payments and even tips are managed by his assistants either by cash, credit or debit cards.

How about with you? How much cash in your wallet?

Fragrance and Attractive Flower of Gardenia

Saturday, June 1, 2019
A Gardenia bud is ready to bloom

We have Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides) flowers grow so well in our backyard. We love the flowers due to their fragrance and attractive color, bright white.

Flowers are native of tropical regions include Asia, Pacific Islands and Africa. We easily find Gardenia in the countries such as Japan, China, Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and India.

Luckily, flowers grow well and blooming in the USA and other Northern hemisphere areas too.

It is said that flowers are blooming from April to probably August each year. Unfortunately, our own Gardenia blooming just in short period, from April to Middle of May.

Flowers start to bloom

There are two types of Gardenia, indoor and outdoor. Indoor type also called as tender Gardenia, while outdoor called as hardly Gardenia.

Based on my readings, Gardenia may bloom in November to December in the areas of Northern America.

However, some people found that their Gardenia doesn’t bloom or buds dropping. It is caused by several factors, some of them are:

- Moisture
- Soil acididity
- Humidity
- Extreme temperature

One big flower

Because of its bright white color and sweet fragrance, Gardenia is a symbol of “purity love and refinement.” Thus, many people in many places use Gardenia for wedding ceremony.

In addition, Gardenia also have some medical benefits:
- Contain substance to manage blood sugar for diabetic patients
- Contain extract to lower cholesterol and blood fat
- Improve liver function
- Prevent microbial (bacteria and virus) infections

Do you have Gardenia? When the flower start to bloom?

Cantaloupe Grows Well in America

Thursday, May 30, 2019
Ripe cantaloupe

I thought the fruit is a Japanese melon variety, but after searching through google, the cantaloupe is from Europe origin. The fact is surprising me.

Fruit was brought to Italy from Armenia. Papal county namely Cantalupo, close to Rome planted this fruits about 200 years ago. French then gave name of Cantaloupe.

In addition to cantaloupe, some Americans also call the fruit as rockmelon, muskmelon, sweet melon and muskmelon.

America produced 13.4 million cwt cantaloupe per year. Production mainly in the states of Arizona, Texas and California.

Cantaloupe sold in a grocery store

American loves to consume melons, include Cantaloupe. A single American consumes 27 pounds melon per year. One of the highest in the world.

We always buy this fruit, especially during late spring to summer seasons. Sweet and fresh.

Slices in a plate

It is said cantaloupe include as a super food due to its nutrient contents. It riches in vitamin A and C.

Cantaloupe also said as “beauty fruit,” because its extracted could be used to prevent wrinkle, to slow down skin aging and improve skin elasticity.

What do you think about cantaloupe?

What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Basilica, just for illustration, credit to Romewise
Christianity has strong relationships with the Roman empire at early stage of developments, and even beyond. 
At the first century, slow but sure, Christian faith to be adapted by Romans world; many Romans converted to Christianity. 
In terms of art, Romans then bring their own art heritage to their new faith; Christian. Roman’s artistic (motif, form and architecture) was applied with new meaning to a new faith and to a new god. 

One of Basilica plan, credit to Amundson (2016)
Christian had adopted classical Rome architectures after becoming legal faith in 313 CE. Christian built the early churches by mimicking the basilica (please see above Figure). 
As mentioned by writer873 (2012) that basilica is used as a court of law or for public assemblies, and even as marketplaces in ancient Rome. 
Thus, basilica is evolved as a symbol of authority in Roman empire to be symbol of worship in early Christians.
Other unique things in early Christianity that they borrowed many artistic motifs from the Romans, some of them are philosopher figure; shepherd figure and festive meal motif. 
Christ and his apostles are depicted as a philosopher figure with characterized by a teacher wearing a toga and holding a scroll. 
Then, Christians adopted the shepherd figure to portray Christ; a young man with a sheep on his shoulders. In respect to the festive meal motif, Christians adopted the theme for celebration symbol.

Amundson, JA. 2016. ARC 231: image collection for Jewish & Early Christian. Retrieved from http://jhenniferamundson.net/arc-231-2/arc-231-image-collection/arc-231-image-collection-for-jewish-early-christian/
Writer873. 2012. Basilicas of the Roman Forum. Retrieved from http://www.ancient.eu/article/24/

Single Price Stores: Everything One Dollar

Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Health and beauty hair products

Capitalists not only about “efficiency” to reduce price, but also about finding market segment and off course profit margin.

Due to economic crisis in 2008, US government provides lower tax to small business. Number of stores which sell one dollar item increases dramatically across America.

In addition to cheap products, the retails give jobs to community as well.

If you never visit America, some stores selling one dollar products are following:
- 99 cents only stores
- Daiso
- Dollar Tree
- Dollar General
- Real Deals
- Family Dollar
- Fed’s
- K dollar

Bows and gift wrapper

What items the stores sell? Almost everything of daily need. From party supplies to toys, from stationery to craft supplies.

You may have a question: how stores could offer cheap products? The answer that store just gains on slim profit margin than any other similar stores.

Items sold are surplus over stock from network companies. Items are often produced from overseas such as Mexico, Haiti or China.

Baby relate things

I will not buy all items I need in the dollar stores, but, yes for some items. They are categorized as:

# Beauty products:
- I always buy perfume

## Stationery
- My pens, pencil and papers come from one dollar stores

### Accessories
- I buy brushes, mirror, comb and any relate accessories from this kind of stores

#### Kitchen tool and supplies
- plates (paper, ceramic, plastic), cups (ceramic, glasses and plastic), bake wares and any kitchen tools.

Hair Accessories

I avoid to buy products such as shampoo, hair dyeing, supplement food, canned and processing foods.

The reasons, first, due to quality and not well known brand. The second is due to that I could find bargain price in other grocery stores, sometimes.

Do You Want to Buy a Reasonable Cheap House?

Monday, May 27, 2019
A simple house with price US$ 4,900, credit to Amazon

Housing prices are increasing in the last several years in the USA, then, modular, prefab or factory houses are booming to fill the gap.

The price is reasonable, you even could buy through online. Many online stores sell these kinds of houses. One of them is Amazon.

The price as low as US$ 4,900 (Euro 4,400) to as expensive as US$ 40,000 (Euro 36,000). But the most favorites are less than US$ 10,000 (Euro 8,900).

Houses with price US$ 7,250 (Euro 6,500) are sold out.

House with price of US$ 7,250, credit to Amazon

Size for US$ 4900 house is 113 square feet, while size for US$ 7250 house is 172 square feet. Yes, very small size but better than nothing or than homeless on the street.

However, there are houses with size large enough. The price is above US$ 10 thousand, and size is more than 292 square feet.

In addition to permanent house, this 292 square feet house may be modified for business purposes such as to be a private office and a retail store.

If you order from Amazon, then the online company will send to you with no extra cost, free shipping.

This kind of house is “build by your self”. Two persons could assemble the house as quick as 8 hours to as long as 3 days.

The time to complete assembling is quite reasonable. Not long.

Do you want to have one?