Showing posts with label Pet/OrnamentalFish/Hobby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet/OrnamentalFish/Hobby. Show all posts

Stray Cats in Our Neighborhood

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


A stray cat on the bushes

I always see many pets stray around our neighborhood. Many of them are dogs and cats.

In case of cats, there are plenty of breeds walking around neighborhood. Some popular breeds are:

- American shorthair

- Himalayan

- Birman

- Abyssian

- Bengal

- Persian

- Siamese

Our house often visited by cats, but we did not considered as “stray” cats since they came a while then disappeared. They may come back near future. They are guests.

Cat’s position ready to “attack?”

The stray pets are hanging around in the certain spots of neighborhood for several days, even weeks.

Photo from behind cat

Pets are believed very difficult to survive in the wild habitat, since they are dependent to their adopt parents (owners).

It is said that we should report about stray pets or animals to the following institutions:

- animal control

- a local shelter or rehabilitation

What are you doing when you saw stray pets in your neighborhood?

Orange Speckle Canna is a Summer Flower

Thursday, August 13, 2020

 Pretty orange Canna flowers

I saw Canna flowers have many colors in my city garden, some of them:

- blood red or bright red

- pale yellow

- bright yellow

- orange

- red

- combinations of pink, salmon and apricot

Canna usually blooming in the Summer until Fall. It is reasonable why this flower growing well under full sun and moisture conditions.

We can see Canna bloom for many times in a year, depend on weather conditions. Fading flowers might be replaced by new ones, thus stalks live two seasons long.

Since flowers look bold, and one of flamboyant summer, it is good to have the Canna in our garden.

Flowers of Canna look bold and beautiful.

It is said to grow and care Canna is easy, from bulb to produce bright and pretty flowers.

This flower is found in the North and South America. The flower abundant in some parts of:

- Argentine

- South Carolina

- Florida

- Caribbean Islands

Petal of Canna flowers

In some developing countries, in addition as a gift for certain special days such as father’s day, this plant also used as a source of foods.

We find starch, called as achira in the bulb and rhizomes of Canna plant. The starch be processed as noodles. A very high quality noodle.

Have you seen Canna flowers? What color do you like?

Tame Ducks are Walking on City Lake Sides

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

 Fig-1. Three young ducks

We found many ducks, especially young ones play around at the one side of city lake peacefully, no predators and no hunters for sure.

In the wild nature, these ducks live in the quite variety areas, include in the:

- coastal marshes

- bays and bayous

- beaver ponds

- rice fields

- flooding parts of woodland or forest

At least, there are 3 common ducks living in the nature of Louisiana:

1) Mallard

The males are characterized by green heads as you may see two ducks at above photo (Fig-1). Actually, Mallard is migratory ducks, millions from North to South in Mississippi rivers during winters.

Fig-2. Two ducks, male and female

2) Mottled

Bills of Mottled is yellow for male, while olive green for female. The ducks are non migratory, usually stay in coastal marshes all seasons.

Fig-3. Male of Mallard duck.

3) Wood ducks

The habitat of these ducks is in the swamp areas of forests. Since timbers have been harvested almost completely, the ducks may be found in many places include in the Mississippi rivers. 

Fig-4. Lonely duck

Interestingly, ducks watching and hunting are part of important activities in many parts of America. About 11.6 million ducks are harvested per year in the USA.

Some best states to watch and hunt ducks are:

- Louisiana

- Mississippi

- Nebraska

- Minnesota

- North Dakota

Have you watch or hunt duck in nature? Where? Did you taste duck meat?

Disappearing and Reappearing of Asian Giant Softshell Turtle

Sunday, May 31, 2020
A softshell freshwater turtle

Asian giant softshell turtle with scientific name Pelochelys cantorii could reach 100 cm or 1 meter (3.3 feet) length size. One of biggest freshwater turtles known.

Pelochelys cantorii lives in South East Asia region, generally in Mekong River, Cambodia. This turtle may be found in the habitats such as:
- lakes
- estuarine
- seacoasts
- streams

The softshell is due to its cartilaginous carapaces which is “covered in leathery skin.”

This turtle has disappeared in 2003, then, scientists thought the animal was extinct. Luckily, turtles reappeared in 2007.

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) enlists Cambodian softshell as endangered species.

Softshell freshwater turtles distribute worldwide, they may be found in the regions such as Asia, Africa and America.

However, the particular species of Asian Giant Softshell Turtle has been observed in the following countries:
- Cambodia
- China
- Bangladesh
- India
- Philippines
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Indonesia
- Laos

Have you seen any Softshell Turtles in your areas?

Do You Know this Kind of Animal? - Greater Vogelkop Superb Bird of Paradise - part 2

Sunday, May 3, 2020
You can see the feet (credit to YouTube)

From previous post (Do You Know this Kind of Animal? - part 1 | Tanza Erlambang Update), you may see its feet now.

Yes, two prominent characters of birds are able to dance in addition to sing to attract females for mates.

Its English name quite strange for me, “Vogelkop Superb Bird of Paradise,” but recently called as “Greater Vogelkop Superb Bird of Paradise,” and Lophorina niedda as a scientific name.

The fact, birds of paradise inhabit two countries:
- New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)
- Papua, Indonesia.

In Papua, Indonesia, the paradise bird is well known as member of “Cendrawasih,” distributes mainly in the mountains and rain forest, West Part of Papua island. 

Greater Vogelkop Superb Bird of Paradise”
(credit to Telengana Today).

Both two pictures display of mating dance, where blue eyes mean attractive smiling to a female.

Female usually produces eggs 1 to 3 eggs, then lay them in the nest. The time for hatching is about 2 to 4 weeks.

Many paradise birds in the endanger species list, luckily “Greater Vogelkop Superb Bird of Paradise” considered as population stable.

Do You Know this Kind of Animal? - part 1

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Eyes and bright color (credit to News Nation)

The above image shows black thing with sections of two small spots and the blue section. You may guess what group of this animal? Few choices in vertebrate classification:

- fish
- amphibian
- reptile
- birds
- mammals

Just for hints that this animal live the tropical country, endemic to New Guinea. Ernst Mayr, Germany evolutionary biologist discovered this animal in 1930

First, this animal was described as sub species. Then, the animal included as very new species in 2018.

This new species, actually part of 50 species exist in the world. Many species are very rare, and live in certain areas only.

Since, females are very low in number, the males attract a female by distinctive dance. The competitions are very intensely fierce among males to get attention from a female.

Now, can you guess (what kind of animal it is)?

I will post the answer in the part 2.

Old post:

A Hiker Gave Water to a Thirsty Wild Snake

Friday, March 20, 2020
A thirsty wild snake drinks water (credit to Newsflare)

When I was kid, I often saw a long small snake with green color either nearby or climbing coconut trees. Our family owned coconut and palm plantations.

As far as I remember, I never noticed that snakes drink water. I knew they catches mice and frogs.

Just recently, a hiker found a thirsty snake in drought palm areas, Thailand. Then, he gave water from a bottle. Look like the reptile drank joyfully. The touching moment.

The scientific name for snake is Gonyosoma oxycephalum with some common names:
- the red-tailed green ratsnake
- the red-tailed racer
- the arboreal ratsnake
- red-tailed Ratsnake
- red-tailed Green Climbing Ratsnake

The red-tailed green ratsnake as a pet (credit to Tumblr)

The habitat of red-tailed green ratsnake is South East Asian Countries such as:
- Laos
- Malaysia
- Indonesia
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Philippines
- Myanmar
- Cambodia

This kind of snake is sold in pet shops both in America and European countries in recent years.

The snake is not dangerous and not aggressive, thus become popular as a pet in American households.

Have you seen this kind of snake in nature or pet shop?

Have you Seen Bizarre Looking Birds Called Sage Grouse?

Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Sage Grouse Male (credit to Sierra Club)

When I posted a strange animal called as a three-toed Sloth, all of us never saw it in nature. Please re-visit previous post: Have You Ever Seen a three-toed Sloth in the Nature? | Tanza Erlambang Update

Here, we talk about another odd animal, Sage Grouse. As of above photo is male of sage grouse.

The strange and interesting that a male attracts females by popping sound produced from very big air sacs which locate in his front chest.

Many females will choose the most dominant male with sizes (weight and lengths) twice more than their own.

The normal weight for males are 5.5 pounds (2.5 kg) and 3 pound (1.4 kg) for females. The length size is 28 inches (71 cm) for male and 21 inches (53 cm) for female sage grouses. 

A male with a female (credit to Utah Public Radio)

Sage grouse birds occupy shrub-land across North America and Canada. In America, the birds could be found in:

- California
- Nevada
- Idaho
- Montana
- Washington
- Oregon
- Wyoming
- Colorado
- Utah
- South Dakota
- North Dakota

Two species of birds cover about 190 million acres of American 11 states and two Canadian provinces:
- Greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus)
- Gunnison sage grouse (Centrocercus minimus).

Unfortunately that population of both species are decreasing in nature. Greater sage grouse is included as near threatened species.

The number of Gunnison sage grouse is extremely low, around 1,700 birds left only in natures, thus categorized as endangered, brink of extinction species.

Finally, have you seen bizarre looking birds called Sage Grouse in nature or in zoo?

Bandit, a Special Need Dog Found His Perfect Adopters

Sunday, February 9, 2020
Bandit with his wheelchair (credit to Mother Nature Network)

I never saw a dog with wheelchair in my life. The dog called Bandit with his wheelchair is heartbreaking story for me.

Jail Dog” in Gwinnett county, Georgia is a program to give opportunity for selected inmate to train homeless dogs. The program has been started in 2010.

After training, the dog usually to be:
- obedience
- friendly
- trust
- compassion
- patience
- love
- understanding

Bandit with his adopt parent, Darrel Rider 
(credit to BanditRider jdp)

Then, hundreds of trained dogs are ready for adoption by carefully selected potential adopters or owners.

In case of Bandit that He has no “permanent” adopters for long time, almost 6 years. It is due his special need which require a lot and tough cares.

Four different adopters returned his back to the Jail Dog Program and many potential adopters feel scary.

Darrel Rider and his wife, Sue “fall in love” with Bandit because Bandit is like a human, cute and friendly.

Darrel Rider himself use wheelchair. The last inmate who take care Bandit believed that Bandit and Darrel family is “a perfect match.”

Have you seen a dog with wheelchair around?