Showing posts with label Pet/OrnamentalFish/Hobby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet/OrnamentalFish/Hobby. Show all posts

Daycare Center for Pet in Our City

Sunday, July 21, 2019
A sign of petsuites

Daycare for pets is a new kind of industry in the USA. I mean it has been developed just in 1990’s. Several factors that stimulate the industry:

- population grew steadily in urban area.
- dogs are living indoors
- no child in households, make pets get more attention.
- American families spend more money on pets.

First opened in New York city, followed by San Francisco, California. Then spread to other wealthy cities.

I guessed, not all cities have a kind of pet daycare centers.

Building of Pet Suites

When I visited farmer market recently, I saw first time the sign of “petsuites.” It is the first center in our city.

Petsuites is nearby to farmer markets and several ethnic groceries. Pet owners may go shopping before or after coming to center. 

The pet center, I considered not big enough, but it seems convenient. I saw some people come in and out with their pets.

Pet Suites side

There are advantages to entrust pet centers:
- well care
- safe
- clean
- friendly

Sure, dogs and cats have different rates. Cats are cheaper than dogs. Dogs rates are based on their weights. Heavier are expensive.

Are pets care centers available in your city? Have you use pets daycare services? 

An Orphan Baby Girl Dugong Needs a Warm Hug

Saturday, July 6, 2019
An orphan baby Dugong calms down in the arms of a marine biologist (credit to Google)

What make world exciting recently is that Thailand Marine biologists found a lonely orphan baby girl of Dugong nearby Phuket water.

When she saw marine biologists, the 5 months orphan girl approached the scientists. She hugs one of scientists who she taught of her mother.

Frightening fact that 200 Dugong left only in Thailands, and similar trend in other South East Asian countries. Dugong Population near extinct

Dugong (Dugong dugon) in South East Asia similar to Manatee (Trichechus sp) in America. They are also known as “sea cow.”

In fairy tales, they are called as mermaid or queen of sea or “putri duyung” in many countries.

I myself may found Dugong in the fisherman markets in South East Asian Countries about 30 years ago.

Marine biologists are milking orphan baby dugong (credit to Google)

Governments in South East countries included Dugong as endangered species around 15 years ago or later. The countries are:
- Thailand
- Philippine
- Malaysia
- Indonesia
- Vietnam

They are not only endangered species, but International Union of Conservation for Nature considered Dugong as “vulnerable” species, almost disappear from earth.

Baby girl Dugong is approaching a biologist (credit to Google)

The extinct is not due to commercial hunting for meat, skin or bones. Man activities are the main reasons of Dugong population to deplete.

Human activities destroyed food sources and habitat of this critters. The activities include:
- Fishing vessels with their fuel contaminated Dugong’s habitat
- Fishing tools (nets, cages, trawl, grates) destroyed sea grass beds as source of foods.
- Mining cause “sediment build up” and degrading marine habitat.

Have you seen Dugongs or Manatees in the nature? 

Are Colorful Cacti Favorite as Summer Flowering Plants?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Colorful cacti

We just visit Home Depot to buy our lawn mower spare parts. Then, have a look to nursery section.

We saw colorful cacti at one corner, one of waitress said that colorful cacti is one of favorite Summer Flowering Plants.

This cacti also called as chin cacti or moon cacti. It scientific name is Gymnocalycium mihanovichii.

They have variety of colors, include:
- bright reds
- pinks
- yellows
- oranges
- green
- purple
- blue

Yellow cactus

Moon cacti also known as desert germ cacti. They come from South America. Easy to grow, especially indoor.

Since colorful and small size, they are good for home decoration. Look beautiful on the table top or desks. They are perfect to be mixed with other houseplants arrangements.

Several yellow and orange cacti

The moon cacti have shorter life span compared to other cacti. The average life span was 1 to 2 years.

They would reach 4 years if we give a good care. But shorter compared to 10 years life span of several cacti.

Pink cactus

Rotting their roots is the main problem for any kinds of cacti. Rotting causes moon cacti turned to brown on the top

Generally, root rotting is caused by:
- over watered
- bad drainage
- both of over watered and bad drainage.

During winter, we no need to watering the cacti at all. They could survive until spring season.

Have you ever take care of moon cacti?

Why Neon Tetra Fish is Good For Aquarium?

Monday, June 24, 2019
A neon tetra in aquarium

I occasionally visit pet shops which sell ornamental fish, in case I visit, I always see that the stores provide tetra neon (Paracheirodon innesi).

Super market such as Wall mart, in its garden section or section of pet foods for cat and dogs, we can find fish for aquarium, include neon tetra.

There are many species of ornamental fish, price could be from US$ 1 to US$ 25. Some species of fish are:

- Neon tetra
- Platy
- Kissing gouramy
- Fancy guppy
- Zebra danio
- Swordtail
- Guppies
- Oscar
- Discus
- Bettas

Schooling of Neon tetra in aquarium

What make me wonder is that I could find Neon tetra in every pet shops for ornamental fish or any shops which sell ornamental fish.

The question then, Why Neon Tetra Fish? is Good For Aquarium?

Based on reading, neon tetra is the most popular ornamental fish not only in the USA, but also world wide. The reasons are:

- Reasonable price
- Easy to take care, thus good for beginner
- Colorful or pretty
- Peaceful
- Lively

Tetra neon in natural habitat

Peru or Latin America is natural habitat of Neon tetra. The fish is easy to keep in an aquarium. Around 20 fish may live in a small aquarium.

In nature, neon tetra has life span of 10 years, but 5 years in aquarium. Size around 1 inch (2.54 cm). Fish eat any flake foods.

Do you have an aquarium? What fish you keep in your aquarium?