Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts

Can Insulin be Produced from Laboratory Dish? - Diabetes 25

Saturday, August 15, 2020


Illustration purpose only

We have talked about role of pancreatic beta cells to produce insulin. These are examples of posts relate to beta cells:

Why Pancreas of Type 2 Diabetic Persons Produce Less Insulin? - Diabetes 3 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Could Medicines Affect on Pancreas to Produce Insulin? - Diabetes 4 | Tanza Erlambang Update

How to Activate Damaged Beta Cell in Pancreas to Produce Insulin? - Diabetes 21 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Recently, researchers have tried to develop beta cells from human stem cells in a dish. It is expected that these beta cells will secrete insulin in response to a given glucose.

First attempted was failed, it is because stem cells interrupted to grow to be pancreas beta cells in the let’s say Petri dish.

Succulent plants in the pot, just for illustration

Scientists knew that specific receptor protein called estrogen related receptor γ (ERRγ) abundant in beta cells. Then scientists injected this receptor protein to improve process of cells maturation in the lab.

Surprisingly, the mature beta cells produce insulin in the Petri dish. For further test, then, the beta cells are transplanted into mice (diabetic mice).

The result is promising that beta cells secrete insulin to respond the high blood sugar level in the mice.

The next steps to find out:

- how to transplant the Petri dish’s beta cells into human being

- can beta cells be function to produce insulin to control sugar level in human?

At least, we see light to help diabetes patients, especially type 1 diabetic patients where their pancreas stop to produce insulin at all.

We are waiting the great finding to treat diabetes in the near future!

Effect of Drink Chia Seeds for Diabetes Patients – Diabetes 23

Thursday, April 30, 2020
Chia seed in a glass of water

Some friends told me that Chia seed is good for health. The seeds are from plant includes in mint family.

Two species of plants, Salvia hispanica and Salvia columbariae could be found in the areas of:
- the southwestern United States
- Mexico
- Central America

Chia seeds are quite small, 1 mm in diameter with color tend to dark gray. We found white and black spots on these oval seeds.

We may consume seed with water. 10 gram of Chia seed is good enough for one glass of water. Some flavors such as orange, mango and lime may be added to the drink.

In term of diabetes, seeds are believed to benefit for type 2 diabetes patients. Few studies have shown that Chia seeds:

- improve insulin sensitivity
- control blood sugar
- lower blood sugar level after eating foods.

Do you know Chia seeds? Have you consume it?

Other posts relate to diabetes:

How Stress could Affect on Insulin Resistance? - Diabetes 17

Thursday, January 16, 2020
Illustration of stress (credit to Harvard health)

Some factors could lead to insulin resistance are body weight, belly fat, smoking, less sleep and less exercises.

At this post, we are talking about relationship between stress and insulin resistance. Stress could be mental, physical and emotional.

The fact that body produces two hormone, glucagon and cortisol during stress. Hormones break down stored sugar (glycogen) in the body into glucose, then increase the blood sugar level.

Unfortunately, lingering stress make continuous production of glucagon and cortisol hormones, then also cause to:
- reduce insulin resistance
- reduce body ability to manage blood sugar level
- reduce body ability to store glucose

Chocolate, not good for diabetes. Just illustration

Condition becomes worse if pancreas organ can’t produce suitable amount of insulin to control higher blood sugar (hyperglycemia).

If this is the case, diabetes patients should reduce their stress first in order to improve their insulin resistant.

Many ways to reduce stress, some experts suggest:
- sleep enough (in the range of healthy hours)
- meditation
- exercises

Interesting fact that about 70% or more Americans experienced physical and physiological stresses. 28% only are able to manage their stress very well.

Hope, we could avoid or manage our stress successfully.

Does Intermittent Fasting Affect on Insulin Resistance? - Part 2 - Diabetes 16

Monday, January 6, 2020
Illustration for intermittent fasting (credit to Atkins).

We continue to talk about about intermittent fasting and insulin resistance in this post (please see previous post: Does Intermittent Fasting Affect on Insulin Resistance? - Part 1 - Diabetes 16 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Moreover, researchers had observed two groups of pre-diabetes men. Observation conducted for 5 weeks. The results are quite surprising and promising.

1) First group, fasting for 16 hours a day. Restricted eating at 8 hours window (7 AM to 3 PM). Results are:
- no change of body weight
- lower insulin level
- improve insulin sensitivity
- lower blood pressure
- decrease appetite

2) Second group, fasting for 12 hours a day. Results are:
- no change of body weight
- not significant changes of insulin level, insulin sensitivity and blood pressure.

Cheese sold in the grocery, just illustration

In respect to insulin, intermittent fasting for 16 hours have significant effect on improvement insulin sensitivity.

Thus, the result improves cells respond to insulin and decrease sugar level in the blood streams.

Other observations indicated that fasting intermittently may improve brain function and longevity.

Sure, we should consult to the physician before deciding to fasting intermittently and asking about how long healthy fasting in a day.

Does Intermittent Fasting Affect on Insulin Resistance? - Part 1 - Diabetes 16

Friday, December 27, 2019
Low level insulin could reduce body weight
(credit to

We talked about insulin resistance at previous post (What is the Meaning of Insulin Resistance? - Diabetes 15 | Tanza Erlambang Update).

The post said that “Insulin resistance refers to cells (of organs) which resist to insulin, thus glucose in the blood streams can not enter the cells, and then can not be used as source of energy.”

Then, “Resist to insulin is a kind of pretext to reduce cells ability in order to absorb glucose. This condition could cause increasing of sugar level in the blood.”

The question then, can we fix Insulin Resistance? The answer is yes.

Researchers suggest many methods, fasting intermittently is one of cheap, easy and healthy methods.

Fasting intermittently means that we are fasting, no meals for several our in 24 periods or several days in a week.

Some examples of intermittent fasting
(credit to HealthCentral)

Many methods are developed by dietitian or health professional to intermittent fasting as of above Table:
- 5 : 2 means two fasting days in a week
- 24 hours without food for 1 to 3 days in a week
- Time restricted, fasting for 12 to 16 hours a day.

The two important purposes of fasting intermittently are:
- lower blood sugar level
- improve insulin sensitivity.

Normal range of insulin level is below 100 pmol/L as shown in the first graph (Figure 1 above), but some sources said < 174 pmol/L.

In relation to energy, lower insulin level means that body fat can be used as source of energy. Hence, body fat may be burned.

# To be continued to part 2

What is the Meaning of Insulin Resistance? - Diabetes 15

Sunday, December 15, 2019
Insulin resistance for illustration (credit to EndoctrineWeb)

Insulin resistance refers to cells (of organs) which resist to insulin, thus glucose in the
blood streams can not enter the cells, and then can not be used as source of energy.

What factors contribute to Insulin resistance? Here are several of them:
- body weight
- belly fat
- smoking
- less sleep
- less exercises

Resist to insulin is a kind of pretext to reduce cells ability in order to absorb glucose. This condition could cause increasing of sugar level in the blood.

In long term, higher blood sugar lead to development of pre-diabetes and then diabetes (type 2 diabetes) diseases.

Illustration of obesity and diabetes (credit to Infographic)

Sure, physicians may know whether we are developing insulin resistance or not. The tests may include:
- test of Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG).
- A1C test for knowing pre-diabetes development.

Moreover, can we feel or know that our body is developing insulin resistance? Some signs are following:
- feel hungry often
- thirsty
- skin tag
- urination frequently
- feel tired
- feel tingling in hand and feet.

Insulin resistance may be reversed by doing:
- Reduce body weight and belly fat
- Healthy life style (no smoking and sleep enough)
- Eating healthy foods (fruit, vegetables, whole grains, fish, beans and legume)
- Doing exercises regularly 

Physician prescribes drugs to control blood sugar, they may include:
- Fortamet
- Glucophage
- Glumetza
- Riomet

Relate posts:

How does Insulin Work in our Body? - Diabetes 14

Monday, December 9, 2019
Insulin is a kind of key to open cells (credit to Quora)

We consume foods which contain carbohydrate every day. In the stomach, enzyme breaks down the carbohydrate into glucose.

The glucose then carried into organs through bloodstream for energy sources or store its for future purposes. The organs may include:

- muscles
- liver
- adipose tissues (fat)
- brain
- other tissue cells

To enter these above organs, we need the insulin as “a key” to open a “door” of an organ cell. Thus, all people, both diabetes patients and normal people need insulin.

It is because without insulin, glucose can’t be used as (converted into) energy and stored in the organs (such as a liver, muscles and the fat tissues).

Glucose is stored in the liver
(credit to Biology Notes for IGCSE 2014)

Since glucose can’t be used, it remains in the blood, then will contribute to higher blood sugar level.

We know that higher blood sugar level causes organs malfunction in the long term. It happen to many diabetes patients who did not control their blood glucose level with manners.

Hope, we understand Why does our Body Need Insulin, and know little bit about how it works in the body.

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